Sooooooooooooooooooooo many people are being mislead thinking it say we the people to the right where it says 10..they know people are stupid ...everyone read it WORD FOR WORD...it says we 10 eople...WE TEN PEOPLE..the people with the new world order that wants to take over the world and it was bush that let them into our country...they made an announcement that they are here...WE THE PEOPLE do not realize that once they take total control of our country all the other countrys will fall ..we are the strongest country in the world and when they get everyone to lose there jobs like what is going on they will say..we will make things better for you and that will be it..they want us all piss poor and have us live in mud houses like they do in india..they want us all to be so angry and start to kill each other...control population..WE THE PEOPLE need to wake up to see what is going and revolt