I was put on the beta blocker metoprolol for bp10 years ago and over the past six years due to contracting asthma have been trying to to get of this drug which my body had become dependent on,i was told by doctors to just stop and go cold turkey which led to me having terrible withdraw symptoms, a fast heart-rate,the shakes, shortness of breath, sweating , I felt like I was going to die all of witch led to umpteen trips to A and E, i also tried to withdraw slowly cutting the dose down over a few weeks meny times but all to no avail I thought I would have to take metoprolol for ever, then a doctor at the hospital put me on ivebradine and at the same time withdrew me slowly of metoprolol it's early days but it seams to have worked I've bean off metoprolol for two weeks now and have had no side affects from the ivebradine . Good luck to enyone elsa who is going through this but there is light at the end tunnel.