The light travel with speed of 3 lack km per second and there are photons in this. and there are no spaces or diamansion between photons.
if it,then light should travel with unlimited speed?
but it not do so why?
replied to: aqib
Replied to: The light travel with speed of 3 lack km per second...
Light/radiation travels through our elctromagnetic space at 299, 792, 458 meters per second or aproximately 300,000,000 meters per second. The photon carries a potential charge sufficint to be visible as light by humans. Quantum analysis is digital, discharge of the photon is concidered a point in time and space starting at that instant to release its energy into the spectrum. Viewers see light via intellectualizing using an anthropic analog defining a reality. The photon is an enegy potential packed into a tiny space and is digitally recognized as on or off as soon as it switches from a potential into a specific energy. Leaving behind an empty potential space with perhaps lingering definition sufficient so as to refill that space utilizing less energy than was utilized establishing what remains of that space after the photon discharges. Light is flashes just as at home the 60 cycles illuminating your book is recognized as a continuous radiation whereby an average of the highs and lows of the voltage behind the emission have been anthropically interpreted by the mind.