Human cloning
The acceptance of cloned humans
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Will the society accept cloned humans or will they be cast out of social group? Will the cloned humans form their own group rather than mixing with other people? This situation will create division in our own society
replied to:  Muhammad112003
Replied to:  Will the society accept cloned humans or will they be cast...
The "division" starts even earlier. Are clones people with all the rights of people? Or are they property?

Now, if you have an infertile individual who wants his/her genetic material to continue in the species, then that person is going to treat the clone as a child and present the clone as a child. People might remark "Your child looks SO much like you." but I don't see any acceptance problem.

There is not going to be an physical or behavioral constant between clones. A clone does not wear a big "C" on the forehead. So why would they form their own group? The only reason would be that the rest of society would FORCE them to form their own group. But then, how would society recognize that a clone is a clone? Light skinned blacks used to "pass". Gays in the military can disguise being gay. The ability of a clone to disguise being a clone surpasses both of these.
replied to:  Muhammad112003
Replied to:  Will the society accept cloned humans or will they be cast...
Then if the clones build robots, they'll be even more division because everyone knows the way they're programmed they can never live in peace with their flesh and blood creators.
Now you have 3 separate groups that won't mix with each other. This situation is ripe with impending disaster. :):) :)

replied to:  Muhammad112003
Replied to:  Will the society accept cloned humans or will they be cast...
When Human cloning is finally accepted by society, The Cloned Individuals, will be the wonder of modern science.They will be immune to various types of cancers as well as Leukemia, and quite possibly they will have an immunity to HIV and several other types of deadly diseases ,Through Stem cell research of various methods, and the Knowledge of DNA medical technologies, Each Individual that is Cloned , Will have the ability to be genetically Engineered to be resistant to the Hereditary types of Human diseases,and Viral types of Diseases that their Predecessors were plagued with......There will be a Division in Human Society, Those who will get sick, and those who cannot get sick.