I was an electronics technician working directly for G. Harry Stine 1953-1954 at White Sands. He was twenty-five years old when I met him. Harry had started the American Rocket Society and I became a charter member. Harry was a genius and quickly provided me with a solid background in practical electronics that has stood me in good stead to the present. Working with him was a pleasure because his versatility and complex range of interests in science made every day an adventure. We worked on several complex rocket related projects in the early days of American entry into the rocketry field. He had a degree in physics, a superb background in most phases of electronics and a penchent for writing. Every day was like a day in Disney Land for Harry. He was at least independently wealthy from his publications and TV shows so the work he did was primarily looked upon as entertainment. After leaving White Sands, my only contact with Harry was through the numerous publications and magazine articles. Harry tried to turn my interests to electronics, but I was more interested in chemistry at the time.