Hello Sealyham terrier lovers worldwide,
Please feel free to Check out our new website http://www.freewebs.com/thesealyhamterrierclubwales/ - and if your not already a member, we invite you to join our website members its free to use,it only takes a few minutes to set up and most of all you will be added to the list and recieve an email blast for up to date news on all things happening in THE SEALYHAM TERRIER WORLD - so come on board you be made most welcome amongst Sealys fans worldwide
Please feel free to Check out our new website http://www.freewebs.com/thesealyhamterrierclubwales/ - and if your not already a member, we invite you to join our website members its free to use,it only takes a few minutes to set up and most of all you will be added to the list and recieve an email blast for up to date news on all things happening in THE SEALYHAM TERRIER WORLD - so come on board you be made most welcome amongst Sealys fans worldwide