The real story behind this is that the Palestinian Authority was fooled another time by the Israelis and called this site a sinagogue. This is the house of my family which was built on top of a mosain discovered while the original owners were building it. My family protected this mosaic for decades until the Israeli confiscated the house and allowed settlers to turn it into a Yeshiva. With OSLO accord, the Palestinian authority agreed to whatever was said in OSLO annex 4 without realisig this is a private property. We never prevented anyone from visiting it between the years 1948 until it was confiscated. NOwadays, the Palestinian Authority guards the house and prevents even us from getting into it. We still have all original ownership papers and letters from the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority acknowledgin our ownership but the thing is that when you mix politics into these areas everything becomes contaminated. Israelis visit it regularly now and we are not able to do so. This is the appreciation for our protection.