The Guf of souls as I Know it is a lovely place to be, so peaceful, until just before rebirth. The following is my memory of that time.
I sit on a grassy hill gazing into the distance, all is peaceful, all is well. Very suddenly dark storm clouds fill the sky before me. In seconds I'm sucked into the largest tornado you could imagine. Then it's as if I'm stuck in some weird space that reminds me of old TV static and white noise. I feel as if I'm trying to move through the thickest molasses and that some force is sucking away everything I know.
I remember begging "them" Not to take it all away because It's the most important and wonderful information ever. I will never forget this. I had unpleasent dreams about it until I was 12 or 13 years old. I'd be so close to regaining that wonderful memory and then I'd wake up.
I know it all sounds like a compilation of The Movies "Wizard of Oz" and "Poltergeist," But it's stuck with me 55 years as if it happened yesterday.
Anyone have any similar memories?
I sit on a grassy hill gazing into the distance, all is peaceful, all is well. Very suddenly dark storm clouds fill the sky before me. In seconds I'm sucked into the largest tornado you could imagine. Then it's as if I'm stuck in some weird space that reminds me of old TV static and white noise. I feel as if I'm trying to move through the thickest molasses and that some force is sucking away everything I know.
I remember begging "them" Not to take it all away because It's the most important and wonderful information ever. I will never forget this. I had unpleasent dreams about it until I was 12 or 13 years old. I'd be so close to regaining that wonderful memory and then I'd wake up.
I know it all sounds like a compilation of The Movies "Wizard of Oz" and "Poltergeist," But it's stuck with me 55 years as if it happened yesterday.
Anyone have any similar memories?