In paragraph 1036, the 1992 "Catechism of the Catholic Church" infallibly defines the doctrine that the eternally lost are many; and the eternally saved are few - even among Catholics. It does so by quoting Matthew 7:13-14. In Matthew 7:13-14 Christ is clearly saying that few Catholics are saved, since he is clearly speaking to those who hear and know him. The doctrine that few Catholics are saved, only involves those who have reached the age of reason, and can choose between good and evil. All who die as baptized infants are saved. A catechism is a summary of doctrine. The "Catechism of the Catholic Church" is a universal catechism, imposed on the Universal Church, by Pope John Paul 11. A Pope cannot impose errant doctrine on the Universal Church. Therefore, the doctrine that few Catholics are saved, is infallible. The Saints always taught that few Catholics are saved, therefore, people made greater efforts to save their souls. As a result, many souls were saved. The Saints always pointed out that Matthew 7:13-14 teaches that few Catholics are saved. I believe that it is time for us to follow the example of the Saints, and to defend the doctrine that the lost are many and the saved are few - even among Catholics.
replied to: jvs4535118
Replied to: In paragraph 1036, the 1992 "Catechism of the Catholic Church" infallibly...
All mankind who were not resurrected in the 1st resurrection (these people are changed to spiritual bodies like the angels) have still chance which is the 2nd resurrection that is after the thousand years reign of Christ with his saints and people who died for Christ. For the 2nd resurrection there will be many books openned that educate them then they've the freewill to select - God's way or Satan's way.These people who are resurrected with corruptible bodies (with flesh and bones). Those who don't want God's way they'll be thrown out in the lake of fire as 2nd death. In the lake of fire is also the eternal punishment of all demons, fallen angels and Satan himself but they have no death since they're spirits.
replied to: jvs4535118
Replied to: In paragraph 1036, the 1992 "Catechism of the Catholic Church" infallibly...
In Matt 22:14 One of those who were invited to the wedding feast did not have on the proper wedding garmet, He was not clothed with the righteousness of Christ. For there are many called, but few chosen. The church is the bride of Christ and few are chosen to be added to the church, only those who the Holy Spirit has revealed the truth to. In Matt 7:13-14, The wide gate are where the children of God that believes in their works to save them eternally enter in and it leads them to destruction (a seperation from a true fellowship with their God). They are the "many called" in Matt22. Those who find the narrow gate and enter in are those that the Holy Spirit has revealed the truth to (few chosen in Matt22). Many are going to heaven. Heb 11:12-16, They are so many as the stars of the sky, and as the sand which is by the seashore.
replied to: Stealthjet
Replied to: All mankind who were not resurrected in the 1st resurrection (these...
The first resurrection was when Jesus rose from the grave and all of the elect was raised with him with their sins paid for. God judges the elect as they sojourn here in this world (for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth (Heb 12:6). God does not chasten the wicked (Ps 73:5)because their judgement will be at the last day.(rev 20:12) At the last day the sheep (his elect) will be seperated from the goats (the wicked) and the sheep will enter into heaven, having already been judged in the world. Which is the second resurrection. The last day is just what it says (THE LAST DAY). Jesus is reigning in his kingdom (the church) sinse the day it was established and will never set foot on earth.