The CT-theory has the essentially new fruitful approach to mechanism of Nature, Time, Antigravity. I am convinced, that these approaches are extremely important for physics and biology and will allow to find the surprising evolutionary decisions.
(Author is very sorry for his bad English)
The synopsis of the CT-theory (total: 180 pages)
Introduction . The theory about Complimentary Temporality and Information optics (further - CT-theory) is a new understanding of the World, World as an information process, information in time. As a whole the CT-theory is the theory about Universe and Human being unity.
The theory about Complimentary temporality - CT-theory is a theory about times of objects, in particular is a theory about Human being (bioobject) , systems as an information process in time.
The Information optics is applied party of the CT-theory considers transfer and transformation of the information in time .
Main directions of the CT-theory:
• The perception of the World more completely. The CT-theory as an Object offers You to accept joint participation for development of the CT-theory in theoretical and applied spheres.
• Creation of Antigravity engine and sources (our planet system need a new source );
• Struggle against criminality and terrorism due to creation of СТ-computer;
• Increase of productivity with the purpose elimination of famine ;
• Rejuvenation and longevity
• A new approach to transportation (Information optics).
2. A model of the Universe processes («GUB-model»). Gravitation and Antigravity - Universe unity.
The CT-theory is based on the unity of the Universe and Human being nature - the uniform of the mechanism of information (space-time) opening . At the beginning the Universe is primary Vacuum , which has the Dynamic flows. According to the CT-theory, the Vacuum is a Form. The Universe had Vacuum with dynamic flows . Further in result of collision of the dynamic flows has taken place Great Universe Braking (GUB) , that is bringing to the creation of star systems , galaxies and material Universe as a whole , which we’re watching today .
Due to the Great Universe Braking (GUB) our Solar system - rotation of planets in the various directions is a result of the huge Dynamic flows collision . In result of these collisions (under braking) the dynamic flow vacuum has passed in the virtual vacuum with the subsequent allocation in a hard matter . Our Earth (and other planets) rotate in the party of a stronger dynamic flow (about 100 000 km / hour). The so-called «black holes» (neutron stars) - stars, where takes place a huge GUB . Today the astronomers have opened, that each Galaxy has its a black hole. The huge dynamic flows (in collision) have formed Galaxy’s spirals, in which new worlds are borning . Tthere are the birth of the Universe systems - opening of the Space-times in the Universe.
Figuratively, the visible world of the forms (star systems, Galaxies) constitutes from vacuum like the glass-blower blows a vessel. This process reminds a whiping of the cream. The stronger GUB - the firmer a matter in the different places of the Universe . Every point of the Universe has its individual GUB . Every braking process has its inertia . Any braking has own inertia . That is the GUB (braking) is opening Vacuum in a firm matter (an object with its space-form) . The inertia is a Time of the matter (space-form) . That is the conception of the Time , time of an object is a forming-process of the matter. Every object in the Universe has its individual braking - individual inertia - individual time. The CT-theory considers modern understanding of the Time , ( linear process : from the Past to the Future is a deep error) .
As a whole our Universe(World) has two kind of energy: the Gravitation and Ungravitation . In particular the radioactive elements are the matter with strong braking and radiation is the inertia , which takes place under this Great Universe braking . The Gr and UnGr are the constituent parts of the one Great energy - Vacuum energy .
At a micro-level - at an atomic level the braking (GUB) increases . We know how difficultly to split atom. Under atomic/electronic braking (in nuclear accelerator) we receive inertia - electronics emission or emission of other micro-particles, which we name as radiation . The CT-theory is based on the Great Universe Braking (GUB) . And this mechanism embraces macro and micro objects of the Universe in vertical down to atom . In the methodological plan it explains the law of preservation of energy at a micro-level: «vacuum - atom - electron» .
3. Complimentary temporality and Complimentary temporal compensation.
As stated above any object in the World has its individual braking , individual inertia, individual space-time (IST). In particular any person (as an bioobject) is surrounded and is situated in the IST-s of various objects: the Earth, Moon, Sun, other people and objects, environmental processes, in informational processes as a whole. The CT-theory asserts , that a person(object) has and is situated in two basic informational-time quantum-condition :
-Complimentary temporality with environmental objects (object) - CT-condition (regime)
-Complimentary temporal compensation with environmental objects (objects) - CTC-condition(regime)
In some definite situations a person enters in CT-condition with IST of other object, another regime is the CTC-conditions . As a rule a person has some definite mixed CT/CTC picture of the informational-time quantification . In the CT-condition a person has joint informational-time quantum-process of its IST with IST of other object. In the CTC-condition a person blocks its IST from intrusion or immersing in another's IST. Figuratively every person is constantly in binary code of the СТ - СТС processes(regimes) . That is under the contact with surrounding objects a person due to the СТ-СТС code process, constitutes informational-time quantum-pockets (ITQP) , which have definite forms . The informational-time nature of Human being consists of the ITQP-s - informational-time pockets . Due to the complimentary temporality (CT-condition) all objects in the Earth-system have an unified Informational-time Whole (ITW) . That is the Earth-system’s objects dispite of the current CTC-quantum-condtions have some unified CT-condition , which we can consider as the ITW .
In particular the CT-theory considers phenomenon of Sleep , as a CT-regime (in a part : a person-person’s organism) . An illnesses has own СТ-regimes between of bacteria, viruses and Human being - process of formation uniform informational-time whole of the ill person and viruses (bacteria) . Weakening of the immune system is a decrease of CTC-potential. Usage of alcohol, narcotics, increased sexuality are the lack of CT-potential (condition). As a whole the CT-theory considers, that the modern mankind has very lowered CT-potential, that brings to the increase of usage of narcotics , alcohol , ect. .
4. About informational-time quantification. A Human being as information in a time. An informational-time nature of a Human being in processes of braking, inertia, acceleration , fixing , unfixing , vacuum-de-vacuum .
About vacuum and de-vacuum processes. As stated above, the Individual time is an Individual inertia of a person during its braking. That is all person’s life is the individual braking process. More simple processes take place every day. Eating up of a food, (alcohol, drug) brings to the increase of individual fixing and then - individual braking, which brings to the increase of energy. After surge of energy a person can fall asleep. According to the CT-theory the vacuum and de-vacuum processes in Humane being are very important too. The CT-theory marks the law correlation:
• Fixing De-vacuum processes increases
• Unfixing Vacuum-processes increases
A Human being has some another main cycles . But the energy allocation says us about information-time re-quantification as an informational allocation in a time within of one Individual space-time (IST) .
About «Great IT-CC» . The CT-theory notices the following very important correlation:
[Individual braking ] [Individual fixing] [Energy allocation] ;
[Individual acceleration] [Individual fixing] [Individual braking] [Energy allocation]
That is our World presented for a Human being , all living nature this very Great informational-time caliber correlation : a person can be situated in the braking or accelerating processes , but he has possibility to mobilize and accumulate its energy independently .
Another words , as a whole the GUB-mechanism is a mechanism of the constant energy allocation as in braking as in accelerating processes
Three levels of information-time quantification . The CT-theory considers , that person has (in current of a day) a huge quantity of inertial processes , braking , acceleration , vacuum/de-vacuum processes . Nevertheless all of them are grouped at three levels of interconnected infromational-time quantifiacation : LIQ, MIT, IQP.
LIQ-level - level of the CT/CTC informational-time quantum-correlation on the organic/inorganic level ; «person-nature» level
MIT - CT/CTC informational-time quantum-correlation on the thinking level ; «person-world-person» level
IQP - CT/CTC informational-time quantum-correlation on the spiritual level ; «person-world» level
5. Informational optics.
If You can imagine that person’s life is not a process from the past to the future and it can imagine as a united process as from future-to-past, so from past-to-future - You are very close to the Informational optics . Imagine , if the Human being process (as any process) can consider as an process from the end , it means that person’s life is some informational-time quantum-pocket (ITQP) . As a whole the CT-theory thinks that all processes develop from the past to the future . And Human being’s birth is bifurcation of a Human being process - openning of the ITQP .
As a whole the possibilities(laws) of the Informational optics(IO) is unlimited . Any point of the Universe can «touch» to the another point . That is a distance doesn’t matter for the IO.
About Antigravityal (UnGr) - engine . As stated above the nature of the Gravitation and Antigravity (UnGr) is united . Both of these conceptions lie down in the GUB-nature . Under the CT-theory the UnGr is unperiodical fixing process . The Gr as a conception is periodical unfixing process . As a whole our mankind has not wide understanding about influence of the periodical and unperiodical proceses for the all vital spheres . We should imagine more wider the Gravitation and Gravitational conception . Due to the Gr some periodical processes in the Humane being organism are taking place every moment . Such caliber processes take place undependently from acceleration and braking of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems . Such methodological approach can help to see the great role of the unperiodical processes in the Earth-system . Our system has the such organization, that any fixing is connected with an unperiodicity , unperiodical processes . The fixing processes in one’s turn help to release the energy of vacuum form the matter : [unperiodical process] [ individual fixing] [individual braking(GUB)] [energy of vacuum] .
And we should imagine that our life , Earth-system’s life, Universe as a whole are situated in these two processes constantly . The UnGr-processes are connected with energy allocation ; the Gr-processes are (caliber) stabilizers of these processes in the World . That is these two processes have deep natural interrelation . As a whole our Earth(Universe) as a gigantic steam-boiler is filled of the Ungravitation . The processes of the Great Universe Braking (GUB) extract from dynamic vacuum a huge quality of energy and lights stars . It possible to say , that the Universe (vacuum) , as if stabilizes («drops anchor») , at the expense of the stars , planet systems , Galaxies , hard matter as a whole .
Our Earth is a gigantic UnGr-engine(machine) . In shortly UnGr engine consists of source of periodical emission and system of non-periodical fixing in vacuum, there for anti-gravity is allocation.
The quantum-structural principle of the accumulation and storage of information . About phenomena of telepathy and hypnotism . As stated above a Human being is information-time quantum-packet (ITQP) . The whole person’s ITQP is , so-called , «Mega-packet» , which consists of the some Super-packets(pockets) , which in one’s turn consists of the simple ITQP-s . Figuratively, it looks like a tree with fruits . According to the CT-theory any information has its density and elasticity ; every person’s ITQP has these quantum quantities That is the ITQP - is Artificial Individual space-time of the Human being . It’s one side of the Human being problem.
As a whole the phenomenon of the Sleep is natural phenomenon of transfer from the ART-IST zone to Crear-IST zone . But in this situation ART-IST computer don’t remember ITW-information .
The phenomenon of the hypnotism connected with ART-IST zone . In paritcular children to give way to hypnosis very bad , because of children are more situated in the Clear-IST zone . Therefore being in the Clear-IST zone children have phenomenal gifts to foresee and foretell events . Some twins in the childhood period are possessed of the telepathy gift between them . As a whole the CT-theory considers possibility to increase of the BS-condition for creation of the natural Human being BS-conditions and for electronic embodiment as the CT-computer (=ITW-computer) .
As a whole for the CT-theory , if we refuse from Clear-IST zone (and whole conception about information-time structures) then we should refuse from the phenomena of telepathy , hypnotism , sleep, Human being , information processes in space and time at all.
Dr. K.Dosby
(Author is very sorry for his bad English)
The synopsis of the CT-theory (total: 180 pages)
Introduction . The theory about Complimentary Temporality and Information optics (further - CT-theory) is a new understanding of the World, World as an information process, information in time. As a whole the CT-theory is the theory about Universe and Human being unity.
The theory about Complimentary temporality - CT-theory is a theory about times of objects, in particular is a theory about Human being (bioobject) , systems as an information process in time.
The Information optics is applied party of the CT-theory considers transfer and transformation of the information in time .
Main directions of the CT-theory:
• The perception of the World more completely. The CT-theory as an Object offers You to accept joint participation for development of the CT-theory in theoretical and applied spheres.
• Creation of Antigravity engine and sources (our planet system need a new source );
• Struggle against criminality and terrorism due to creation of СТ-computer;
• Increase of productivity with the purpose elimination of famine ;
• Rejuvenation and longevity
• A new approach to transportation (Information optics).
2. A model of the Universe processes («GUB-model»). Gravitation and Antigravity - Universe unity.
The CT-theory is based on the unity of the Universe and Human being nature - the uniform of the mechanism of information (space-time) opening . At the beginning the Universe is primary Vacuum , which has the Dynamic flows. According to the CT-theory, the Vacuum is a Form. The Universe had Vacuum with dynamic flows . Further in result of collision of the dynamic flows has taken place Great Universe Braking (GUB) , that is bringing to the creation of star systems , galaxies and material Universe as a whole , which we’re watching today .
Due to the Great Universe Braking (GUB) our Solar system - rotation of planets in the various directions is a result of the huge Dynamic flows collision . In result of these collisions (under braking) the dynamic flow vacuum has passed in the virtual vacuum with the subsequent allocation in a hard matter . Our Earth (and other planets) rotate in the party of a stronger dynamic flow (about 100 000 km / hour). The so-called «black holes» (neutron stars) - stars, where takes place a huge GUB . Today the astronomers have opened, that each Galaxy has its a black hole. The huge dynamic flows (in collision) have formed Galaxy’s spirals, in which new worlds are borning . Tthere are the birth of the Universe systems - opening of the Space-times in the Universe.
Figuratively, the visible world of the forms (star systems, Galaxies) constitutes from vacuum like the glass-blower blows a vessel. This process reminds a whiping of the cream. The stronger GUB - the firmer a matter in the different places of the Universe . Every point of the Universe has its individual GUB . Every braking process has its inertia . Any braking has own inertia . That is the GUB (braking) is opening Vacuum in a firm matter (an object with its space-form) . The inertia is a Time of the matter (space-form) . That is the conception of the Time , time of an object is a forming-process of the matter. Every object in the Universe has its individual braking - individual inertia - individual time. The CT-theory considers modern understanding of the Time , ( linear process : from the Past to the Future is a deep error) .
As a whole our Universe(World) has two kind of energy: the Gravitation and Ungravitation . In particular the radioactive elements are the matter with strong braking and radiation is the inertia , which takes place under this Great Universe braking . The Gr and UnGr are the constituent parts of the one Great energy - Vacuum energy .
At a micro-level - at an atomic level the braking (GUB) increases . We know how difficultly to split atom. Under atomic/electronic braking (in nuclear accelerator) we receive inertia - electronics emission or emission of other micro-particles, which we name as radiation . The CT-theory is based on the Great Universe Braking (GUB) . And this mechanism embraces macro and micro objects of the Universe in vertical down to atom . In the methodological plan it explains the law of preservation of energy at a micro-level: «vacuum - atom - electron» .
3. Complimentary temporality and Complimentary temporal compensation.
As stated above any object in the World has its individual braking , individual inertia, individual space-time (IST). In particular any person (as an bioobject) is surrounded and is situated in the IST-s of various objects: the Earth, Moon, Sun, other people and objects, environmental processes, in informational processes as a whole. The CT-theory asserts , that a person(object) has and is situated in two basic informational-time quantum-condition :
-Complimentary temporality with environmental objects (object) - CT-condition (regime)
-Complimentary temporal compensation with environmental objects (objects) - CTC-condition(regime)
In some definite situations a person enters in CT-condition with IST of other object, another regime is the CTC-conditions . As a rule a person has some definite mixed CT/CTC picture of the informational-time quantification . In the CT-condition a person has joint informational-time quantum-process of its IST with IST of other object. In the CTC-condition a person blocks its IST from intrusion or immersing in another's IST. Figuratively every person is constantly in binary code of the СТ - СТС processes(regimes) . That is under the contact with surrounding objects a person due to the СТ-СТС code process, constitutes informational-time quantum-pockets (ITQP) , which have definite forms . The informational-time nature of Human being consists of the ITQP-s - informational-time pockets . Due to the complimentary temporality (CT-condition) all objects in the Earth-system have an unified Informational-time Whole (ITW) . That is the Earth-system’s objects dispite of the current CTC-quantum-condtions have some unified CT-condition , which we can consider as the ITW .
In particular the CT-theory considers phenomenon of Sleep , as a CT-regime (in a part : a person-person’s organism) . An illnesses has own СТ-regimes between of bacteria, viruses and Human being - process of formation uniform informational-time whole of the ill person and viruses (bacteria) . Weakening of the immune system is a decrease of CTC-potential. Usage of alcohol, narcotics, increased sexuality are the lack of CT-potential (condition). As a whole the CT-theory considers, that the modern mankind has very lowered CT-potential, that brings to the increase of usage of narcotics , alcohol , ect. .
4. About informational-time quantification. A Human being as information in a time. An informational-time nature of a Human being in processes of braking, inertia, acceleration , fixing , unfixing , vacuum-de-vacuum .
About vacuum and de-vacuum processes. As stated above, the Individual time is an Individual inertia of a person during its braking. That is all person’s life is the individual braking process. More simple processes take place every day. Eating up of a food, (alcohol, drug) brings to the increase of individual fixing and then - individual braking, which brings to the increase of energy. After surge of energy a person can fall asleep. According to the CT-theory the vacuum and de-vacuum processes in Humane being are very important too. The CT-theory marks the law correlation:
• Fixing De-vacuum processes increases
• Unfixing Vacuum-processes increases
A Human being has some another main cycles . But the energy allocation says us about information-time re-quantification as an informational allocation in a time within of one Individual space-time (IST) .
About «Great IT-CC» . The CT-theory notices the following very important correlation:
[Individual braking ] [Individual fixing] [Energy allocation] ;
[Individual acceleration] [Individual fixing] [Individual braking] [Energy allocation]
That is our World presented for a Human being , all living nature this very Great informational-time caliber correlation : a person can be situated in the braking or accelerating processes , but he has possibility to mobilize and accumulate its energy independently .
Another words , as a whole the GUB-mechanism is a mechanism of the constant energy allocation as in braking as in accelerating processes
Three levels of information-time quantification . The CT-theory considers , that person has (in current of a day) a huge quantity of inertial processes , braking , acceleration , vacuum/de-vacuum processes . Nevertheless all of them are grouped at three levels of interconnected infromational-time quantifiacation : LIQ, MIT, IQP.
LIQ-level - level of the CT/CTC informational-time quantum-correlation on the organic/inorganic level ; «person-nature» level
MIT - CT/CTC informational-time quantum-correlation on the thinking level ; «person-world-person» level
IQP - CT/CTC informational-time quantum-correlation on the spiritual level ; «person-world» level
5. Informational optics.
If You can imagine that person’s life is not a process from the past to the future and it can imagine as a united process as from future-to-past, so from past-to-future - You are very close to the Informational optics . Imagine , if the Human being process (as any process) can consider as an process from the end , it means that person’s life is some informational-time quantum-pocket (ITQP) . As a whole the CT-theory thinks that all processes develop from the past to the future . And Human being’s birth is bifurcation of a Human being process - openning of the ITQP .
As a whole the possibilities(laws) of the Informational optics(IO) is unlimited . Any point of the Universe can «touch» to the another point . That is a distance doesn’t matter for the IO.
About Antigravityal (UnGr) - engine . As stated above the nature of the Gravitation and Antigravity (UnGr) is united . Both of these conceptions lie down in the GUB-nature . Under the CT-theory the UnGr is unperiodical fixing process . The Gr as a conception is periodical unfixing process . As a whole our mankind has not wide understanding about influence of the periodical and unperiodical proceses for the all vital spheres . We should imagine more wider the Gravitation and Gravitational conception . Due to the Gr some periodical processes in the Humane being organism are taking place every moment . Such caliber processes take place undependently from acceleration and braking of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems . Such methodological approach can help to see the great role of the unperiodical processes in the Earth-system . Our system has the such organization, that any fixing is connected with an unperiodicity , unperiodical processes . The fixing processes in one’s turn help to release the energy of vacuum form the matter : [unperiodical process] [ individual fixing] [individual braking(GUB)] [energy of vacuum] .
And we should imagine that our life , Earth-system’s life, Universe as a whole are situated in these two processes constantly . The UnGr-processes are connected with energy allocation ; the Gr-processes are (caliber) stabilizers of these processes in the World . That is these two processes have deep natural interrelation . As a whole our Earth(Universe) as a gigantic steam-boiler is filled of the Ungravitation . The processes of the Great Universe Braking (GUB) extract from dynamic vacuum a huge quality of energy and lights stars . It possible to say , that the Universe (vacuum) , as if stabilizes («drops anchor») , at the expense of the stars , planet systems , Galaxies , hard matter as a whole .
Our Earth is a gigantic UnGr-engine(machine) . In shortly UnGr engine consists of source of periodical emission and system of non-periodical fixing in vacuum, there for anti-gravity is allocation.
The quantum-structural principle of the accumulation and storage of information . About phenomena of telepathy and hypnotism . As stated above a Human being is information-time quantum-packet (ITQP) . The whole person’s ITQP is , so-called , «Mega-packet» , which consists of the some Super-packets(pockets) , which in one’s turn consists of the simple ITQP-s . Figuratively, it looks like a tree with fruits . According to the CT-theory any information has its density and elasticity ; every person’s ITQP has these quantum quantities That is the ITQP - is Artificial Individual space-time of the Human being . It’s one side of the Human being problem.
As a whole the phenomenon of the Sleep is natural phenomenon of transfer from the ART-IST zone to Crear-IST zone . But in this situation ART-IST computer don’t remember ITW-information .
The phenomenon of the hypnotism connected with ART-IST zone . In paritcular children to give way to hypnosis very bad , because of children are more situated in the Clear-IST zone . Therefore being in the Clear-IST zone children have phenomenal gifts to foresee and foretell events . Some twins in the childhood period are possessed of the telepathy gift between them . As a whole the CT-theory considers possibility to increase of the BS-condition for creation of the natural Human being BS-conditions and for electronic embodiment as the CT-computer (=ITW-computer) .
As a whole for the CT-theory , if we refuse from Clear-IST zone (and whole conception about information-time structures) then we should refuse from the phenomena of telepathy , hypnotism , sleep, Human being , information processes in space and time at all.
Dr. K.Dosby