Just wanted to say that to whoever wrote this piece: i got alot of info here than any other place so far -- "thank you"; also, Teresa Teng was a great singer in Japan and reading the info, the writer definitely understood that.
I was not in Japan when she passed away; if i was, i would have seen news and programs of her from the start; therefore I missed alot and i had questions regarding her death. When i asked my Japanese friend (a year later when i found out) about this shocking event she mentioned something about conspiracy theory that she was very nationalistic and it could have led to her death. Does anyone have any knowledge on this theory?
replied to: moon510
Replied to: Just wanted to say that to whoever wrote this piece:...
Oh there's always a conspiracy theory when someone dies, especially someone famous!
replied to: moon510
Replied to: Just wanted to say that to whoever wrote this piece:...
Sounds like nothing but gossip (a waste of Tme)
replied to: moon510
Replied to: Just wanted to say that to whoever wrote this piece:...
I have read a few articles that point to the Japanese government wanting her to die because she was so much more popular than any Japanese performer. It was stated that the Japanese have done this before and always seemed to use people from France to do their deeds. Teresa's "boyfriend" at the time was French. Also a part of it had to do with her political point of view concerning Japans atrocities against China during world war two, and comments she had made about it and condemning them for it in a discussion sometime in 1994. The ambulance drivers in Thailand said her boyfriend insisted they take a route to the hospital that turned out to be traffic blocked. They said had they taken the proper route, they may have saved her life at the hospital. This is why her family banned her French "boyfriend" from her funeral. They suspect something was not "right" with her life and medical problem after she met him. This is one of those that I guess we will never really know. However, anything and everything concerning her french boyfriend was removed from her residences and there is no other mention of him by her family. There is an interview by her brother on you tube where he talks about this briefly. Her brother believes she could have been saved at the hospital.