Tavis Smiley
Tavis on Bill Maher
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I watched Tavis on Bill Maher tonignt Feb. 18. Totally agree with the point Tavis was trying to make regarding the oppression of women in the US. Not surprisingly Bill didnt get it. But Bill is a white elitist rich guy and can not r/t what women experience in this country as Tavis can relate, I'm sure has had similiar experiences familiar to women experience. Bill behaved in an ethnocentric way, accusing the Muslim countries of oppression of women, (which there is) but I think until our own country is pristine we are NOT superior, no position to judge. I believe this is also the second point Tavis was trying to make, although he wasnt provided a platform on the show. Countries resent ( and who can blame them) superior behavior and it only continues to perpetuate division. Irresponsible media, business as usual.