Hi guys!!i m working on TCAD Sentaurus tool..i m facing problem with the following scheme script of Finfet..can ny1 explain it??
(define PolyGate #t)
(if PolyGate
(find-face-id (position (* 0.5 Xpol) (* 0.5 Ypol) Zpol))
;--- Gate contact: Turn PolySi surface into contact, delete PolySi
(define GateID (find-body-id (position (* 0.5 Xspa)
(* 0.5 Ypol)
(* 0.5 (+ Zgox Zpol)) ) ))
(sdegeo:set-contact-boundary-faces GateID)
(sdegeo:delete-region GateID )
(define PolyGate #t)
(if PolyGate
(find-face-id (position (* 0.5 Xpol) (* 0.5 Ypol) Zpol))
;--- Gate contact: Turn PolySi surface into contact, delete PolySi
(define GateID (find-body-id (position (* 0.5 Xspa)
(* 0.5 Ypol)
(* 0.5 (+ Zgox Zpol)) ) ))
(sdegeo:set-contact-boundary-faces GateID)
(sdegeo:delete-region GateID )