My humble suggestions to Anna with best wishes for Diwali: (1)Do not let allegations weaken the anti-corruption movement.Take allegations in right spirit, accept errors,if any. (2)As Gandhian tradition of non-violence is being followed, let mannerisms and words also reflect the same spirit.(Thus avoid words like liars, thieves.) (3)Modify "we will ask people not to vote for congress if the Lokpal Bill is not passed" to "If a strong LOkpal bill is not passed, we will ask people to vote out all the parties that opposed the bill " or better "Vote for parties x,y,--- that supported the bill." This will remove the biggest blot of anti-congressism that has disintegrated the team.("Don't vote for so and so" is said to be a punishable offense. (4)To silence the allegations like Anna was angry over so and so, make recordings of the meetings public.