Does everyone working really understand what is going on in our community? As these people live on government assistance and drain our pockets dry, while living with someone who brings home more than what we make ourselves. In case you don’t, allow us to give you a small idea of what is paid by our tax dollars for these individuals who are just as capable to work as we are:
1. Welfare check-for each member of their household (exempting the working person of course)
2. Food Stamps-on average for a household of four $600.00 at a minimum
3. Full tuition for non-working or displaced workers (WHO PAID FOR YOUR EDUCATION?)
4. House rent or even build you a home
5. Car Payments
6. Car maintenance-new tires, $300 monthly gas card
7. Medical-WHATS YOUR CO-PAY, I bet its more than $2.00-we are even paying for the lap-band surgery
8. Dental
9. Vision
10. Heat vouchers
11. Day Care-whether you work or not
12. Cell Phone
13. Their children get free breakfast and lunch, while we have to pay for our children
14. Did you know-that if you receive food stamps/welfare and your electricity goes out for several days that the food stamps are reimbursed for the lost food----How much did the working people get reimbursed for their losses during the power outage last year?
For those of you who read this and question whether it is true or not. Just educate yourself. It isn’t that hard to see these people (those living on welfare) have a better quality of life than we do. They have more money to spend and more options than we do. They drive new cars, have braces or caps on their teeth, and wear designer clothes while we scrape by.
The only voice that we have is our vote. Investigate your representatives. What do they stand for-is it TAX AND SPEND? Democrats are getting ready to raise our taxes for next year-estimated 15% maybe more. Research for yourself. You will be punished if you have worked and been successful. When you own property you pay taxes again and again and even after death. Where is the incentive to be a productive citizen? Just get on the draw ,ride your four wheeler, get a couple cases beer, go fishing ,enjoy, proclaim a day of rest all you tax payers across America-let’s see how long the people on welfare will keep us up----don’t you think you have earned it?
WE MUST VOTE AND TAKE BACK AMERICA! Rest assurred that those on welfare will vote, they want to keep those funds coming to them and of course they have more time to vote on election day than we working people do.
REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS ARE BOTH ON NOTICE TO STOP SPENDING AND STOP TAXING THOSE WHO WORK, vote the republicans in and democrats out this election and then if the republicans do not make changes vote them out. Enough is enough. The politicians are our employees-they do what we tell them to do. We are in control-they work for us, not the other way around.
We are tired of hearing all the brags about what you have done-lets see what you can do. We are tired of earmarks and pork barrel projects.