What makes the members of Congress think they can spend money we do not have? The games and lies must stop. The debt ceiling was established for a reason. If the others want to raise the debt ceiling the negociations start after the Obama health care, Dodd and Frank Wall St. and consumer protection act are recinded along with closing the departments of Education, Commerce, Energy National endowment for the arts and National radio broadcasting. This would be a good start on cutting the cost of the Federal government. Then freeze all spending at the 2008 level with no auto pilot increases. If that does not bring things to balance we can cut all departments personel and budgets by 10%. If the balance of payments is still out of balance in six months we can decrease all department personel and budgets another 10%. Things become very simple when dealing with numbers. If you don't have the money stop spending. This money is not the money of the members of Congress. Its not your money. The Gov. doesn't have it. So don't spend it. Keep it simple s.