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Space is just that. What is its composition? Are there elements that make up space or is it just a void? The concept is beyond my current comprehension. Enlighten a laymen in his terms. 4-15-09
replied to: littlepaulthe1
Replied to: Space is just that. What is its composition? Are there elements...
No, space is not empty, so it is not a void. There are many elements that can be found in space. I mean, think about it, if water was found on the moon, well, water is made up of two different elements: hydrogen and oxogyn, and that alone is proof of elements in space.
replied to: littlepaulthe1
Replied to: Space is just that. What is its composition? Are there elements...
The space in our universe has abundance of elements, the no.1 is the hydrogen....
replied to: littlepaulthe1
Replied to: Space is just that. What is its composition? Are there elements...
Visit absolute astronomy and in the list of questions see quantum relativity and see how space has 16 factors that would effect a space ship mission ---space time needs 16 controls in order to navigate through the space inside a universe
replied to: robertr82
Replied to: Visit absolute astronomy and in the list of questions see quantum...
replied to: littlepaulthe1
Replied to: Space is just that. What is its composition? Are there elements...
Empty does not mean nothing. space is there, nothing isn't.
replied to: littlepaulthe1
Replied to: Space is just that. What is its composition? Are there elements...
Space exists in time and dimension even if "nothing" is in that space.
replied to: rynaskikaci87855
Replied to: No, space is not empty, so it is not a void....
You misunderstood what he meant by elements. He did not mean the physical elements, he meant the attributes or "elements" of space. Buy a dictionary.
replied to: littlepaulthe1
Replied to: Space is just that. What is its composition? Are there elements...
Empty and nothing don't mean the same thing. You can have SOMETHING that is empty, but you can't have NOTHING that is empty. Nothing lacks space AND time. When you say "space", you infer that there is SOMETHING there even if nothing with mass is there. You can't 'evaluate' space with this mindset. Space is there and it 'behaves' differently depending on how you measure it, record it or consider it.
replied to: robertr82
Replied to: Visit absolute astronomy and in the list of questions see quantum...
Do you mean 16 factors or 16 dimensions? If you mean dimensions, then all but four are at the VERY sub-atomic level, certainly not enough to affect space travel as we presently know it and probably not enough to affect it at all. All you need to navigate through space is power and time and SPACE. No time-no space, no space, no time.
These realms in the other 'extra dimensions', are 'locked in' or nothing would be as we know it now and you would not be around to wonder about this (but I'm glad you are).
replied to: pplay77
Replied to: Do you mean 16 factors or 16 dimensions? If you mean...
Please let me start again with the fundamentals of my mental induction. 1928 and Heisenberg postulates the Uncertainty Principle, this places absolutism as having no place in Physics. 1905 Einstein postulates that the speed of radiation/light is absolute and he settles on it being called C. By assuming that Heisenberg is correct we now have license to put Parameters on C making it plus or minus something rather than it being an absolute number without any tolerance. If we draw a simple Cartesian x and y axis sketch then the x line representing C is no longer exactly straight but is a wavey line as we have Heisenberged it and have paametered the speed of radiation/light in a vacumm such that it is a wave shaped line. In the old days of absolutism that same sketch was very easy to mentally envision and also it was easy to see that C was as fast as anything would go and that acted as a sort of Chastity belt on the mind such that to even think of anything faster was very difficult and the mind would have to dither between C speed and an other absolute GOD only speed. Now by seeing C as a wavey line one can bypass an ultimate absolute of the speed of GOD and postulate a speed that is the zone next to the wavey line of C that is perhaps millions of times faster than the speed of C, and as such it can induct its energy into the realm of C such that there is a Superluminious induction into all atomic matter making for the affinitization of all matter and minutia found in the Universe. If we continue with utilizing a Quantum analysis we can envision an Asymtotic Tachyon Symphanotic Induction fom the Tachyon Quantum of the Superluminous Energy that is alongside the wavey line of our modern therefore Heisenberged C line and when a wavey line is there an induction is much more probable than if a neighbor is ABSOLUTLY FLAT AND HAVING ABSOLUTLY NO OSSILATION. Please continue with any queries you may have with all of this as it stimulates my inductive abilities that are entrenched via the possible utilization of Parthenogenetics that must have been utilized by my Mother while in the womb.
replied to: pplay77
Replied to: Empty and nothing don't mean the same thing. You can have...
Nothing is an absolute and is a not convertable from matter besides that nothing if it were possible would be a zone with absolutly nothing in it and that would be the bigest potential attraction ever possible and would possibly cause such a calamity that any GOD would get such a head ache as to evaporate our Universe into a useless minutia of particulates such that an infinite measurement of timeing would be required to reach where we are today thereby taking our precious Anthropics and making it unrecognisable and useless to our ego. The English language is full of that absolutist filth called absolutes, Hitler and Religeon represent that obsolet machine language crap of days gone by and an eternal POX on all of it. Time is a manifestation of mans mind invented so to measure physical happenings in nature and those things in nature go on and on regardless of our minds clocking of them. Time is not anything of natures doing but is merely the human mind anthopically clocking the dynamic happenings that are going on and on and have been going on since long before mans mind needed to invent clocks to try and understand through his evolution the workings of Energy. Time is being made into part of nature and perhaps Einstein wanted to control mankind by tieing in Space and Time like he did, Space existed before mankind and mankind created Time.