The scene of the South Asian politics, particularly the ongoing rifts in India- Pakistan relations, clearly and pragmatically demands the fairly intervened role of the global actors, the US, the UN and the EU, including the positively initiated role of the regional pivotal actors,China and Russia.
The Mumbai mayhem has arrested the attention of every common and uncommon man, not only in the South Asian region but has also evolved the concerns of the international community regarding the problem of expanding international terrorism.What is the paramount point of consideration for the international community is that, even after the launching of the eight years war against terrorism, the menance of international terrorism is being increased day by day.It is because of this situation that the role of global powers/ actors seems to have become more profound and sensitive to rethink the policy regarding the ongoing global war against terorism, which is being perceived by many in the Muslim world as the "tactical western design" against the Muslims.The most pertinent paradox is that there is an increasing gap between the popular Muslim world's opinion and the officcially adopted stance of the Muslim governments.And it is here that the space for the "ideological exploitation" is being created or utilised by the western world against the Muslims.
Take the case of the recent Mumbai blasts, every reasonable mind has condemned this terrorist act but the sad aspect of the Mumbai syndrome is that the Indian government_ knowing the fact that Pakistan is itself a victim of terorism_ has tried its level best to unilaterally use this tragedy to malign the image of Pakiatan in the world.This kind of an unjust attitude must be prevented by the Indian side to promote the required atmosphere of confidence and understanding regarding the future planning to mutually combat the growing evil of terrorism in the South Asian region.The utility of fair and positive diplomacy must be contributed by the global powers to enable the two nuclear South Asian states to better and heal up their wounded relations.
The Mumbai mayhem has arrested the attention of every common and uncommon man, not only in the South Asian region but has also evolved the concerns of the international community regarding the problem of expanding international terrorism.What is the paramount point of consideration for the international community is that, even after the launching of the eight years war against terrorism, the menance of international terrorism is being increased day by day.It is because of this situation that the role of global powers/ actors seems to have become more profound and sensitive to rethink the policy regarding the ongoing global war against terorism, which is being perceived by many in the Muslim world as the "tactical western design" against the Muslims.The most pertinent paradox is that there is an increasing gap between the popular Muslim world's opinion and the officcially adopted stance of the Muslim governments.And it is here that the space for the "ideological exploitation" is being created or utilised by the western world against the Muslims.
Take the case of the recent Mumbai blasts, every reasonable mind has condemned this terrorist act but the sad aspect of the Mumbai syndrome is that the Indian government_ knowing the fact that Pakistan is itself a victim of terorism_ has tried its level best to unilaterally use this tragedy to malign the image of Pakiatan in the world.This kind of an unjust attitude must be prevented by the Indian side to promote the required atmosphere of confidence and understanding regarding the future planning to mutually combat the growing evil of terrorism in the South Asian region.The utility of fair and positive diplomacy must be contributed by the global powers to enable the two nuclear South Asian states to better and heal up their wounded relations.