Soul is not God
In the imaginable creation, both gross and subtle items exist. The subtle soul must be distinguished from the gross body. Both the soul and body are imaginable. The Advaita philosophers think that the soul is unimaginable God and the body alone is imaginable creation.
Before the distinction between unimaginable God and imaginable creation, a prior training is given to distinguish imaginable-subtle-soul and imaginable-gross-body in the beginning chapter of Gita. This distinction gives training to the spiritual aspirant to become capable in distinguishing unimaginable God and imaginable creation. The subtle soul stands for unimaginable God but not actually is the unimaginable God.
At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami
Anil Antony
Universal Spirituality for World Peace
In the imaginable creation, both gross and subtle items exist. The subtle soul must be distinguished from the gross body. Both the soul and body are imaginable. The Advaita philosophers think that the soul is unimaginable God and the body alone is imaginable creation.
Before the distinction between unimaginable God and imaginable creation, a prior training is given to distinguish imaginable-subtle-soul and imaginable-gross-body in the beginning chapter of Gita. This distinction gives training to the spiritual aspirant to become capable in distinguishing unimaginable God and imaginable creation. The subtle soul stands for unimaginable God but not actually is the unimaginable God.
At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami
Anil Antony
Universal Spirituality for World Peace