With the ascension of Augustus, who brought peace and restored order everywhere after years of civil war, there was an irresistible urge to express their respect and gratitude in the familiar tradition of the ruler cult and greet him with the honours usually accorded the Olympian godsand build temples, propylene, sacred precincts, and colonnades for him [Philo Leg. 149-52; cited in Zanker 1988: 297, 298]. This was probably aided by the greater ease with which the Greeks identified with the new monarchy than with the large and continually changing administration of the Republic. With all these political motives and self-interest behind the imperial cult, it is easy to dismiss it merely as a political institution and overlook its religious significance, or even regard it as fraudulent, as many modern commentators have done, especially in light of modern and perverted text buy Christians. It must be remembered that in Greek history, no political decision was without religious implications. Worldly success was treated as wholly commensurate with divine favour and patronage and thus, to regard an emperor like Augustus who brought peace and restored order in that light was not unexpected. The Greek apothegms, "What is a god? Wielding of power. What is a king? Like a god" further supports the notion of a divine or semi-divine monarch. fromttp://janusquirinus.org/
Furthermore, in the Greek religious system which was polytheistic, the pantheons were in perpetual flux, and new cults came into being while old cults waned. This is especially in times of transitions, such as the Augustan age. Moreover, many cults of the Greeks were originated in and were imported from elsewhere. Thus, there was a long established precedence for the Greeks to accept a new cult and place the emperor into their pantheon. Augustus was probably even more easily accepted because he was touted as the son of a god, the deified Julius Caesar, or even the son of Apollo [Suet. Aug. 94] But that’s not the only thing these Galilean peasants would have encountered on a regular basis. Throughout the empire, there were thousands of monuments, coins, temples and artwork that reminded those subjected to the empire one very important religious point not to be mistaken: Caesar was divi filius, which in Latin means the “Son of God.” Roman coins from the same time period in which Jesus lived were plentiful. On one side of the coin was a picture of Julius Caesar, who had been deified by the Roman Senate. On the other side of the coin was a picture of Caesar Augustus, with an inscription that read divi filius, the Son of God. In modern day Ephesus, that great city where St. Paul founded the Ephesian Church, there still stands an example of one of many signs which proclaim “Caesar Augustus: Son of God and high priest.” Statues of the Caesars could be found as far west as Britain and as far east as modern day Iran. Each portrayed various Caesars striking a divine pose, and the intent was to hammer home the belief that Caesar was nothing less than God incarnate. As one historian puts it, this belief wasn’t “simply one-way propaganda enforced unilaterally. It was fully two-way ideology accepted multilaterally. It was Roman imperial theology, the ideological glue that held the empire dynamically together.” Like Alexander the Great before him, Augustus had become divine through world conquest, and those who followed Augustus in the role of Caesar, those such as Tiberius, Claudius and Nero, became known as Sons of God as well.
But that’s not the only religious imagery employed…
As ancient Roman poet Horace mourned the slaughter of the decade’s long civil wars that Augustus finally ended, he asked, “Whom shall Jupiter (the great God) assign the task of atoning for our sin?” He suggested several divine candidates, but ended up with Augustus as the incarnated God who would do so. And why not Augustus? After all, Romans celebrated him as four ways divine: by ancestral descent from Venus and Anchises, by miraculous virgin birth from Apollo and Atia, by paternal adoption from the deified Julius Caesar, and by official decree from the Roman Senate. One inscription from Egypt calls Augustus heaven’s shining star. He is described as the divine father and the heavenly Savoir. New Testament scholar Dom Crossan says that archaeological finds in the Roman world testify to Augustus’s stature as nothing less than Lord, Savoir, Redeemer, Liberator, Divine, Son of God, God, and God from God.” Do any of these sound familiar? Halley's comet is named after Edmond G. Halley who was the first to suggest that comets were natural phenomena of the solar system, in orbit around the Sun. He suggested that a certain comet was a regular visitor, returning every 76 years, and was, in fact, the same one which had been observed since 240 and 63 BC, but in particular in the years 1531, 1607, and 1682, dates which for him were recent history. In 1682 he predicted the comet would return again in 1758, and sure enough, the comet arrived in March 1759. Halley's Comet made a particularly bright appearance in 1910.Augustus Caesar’s birth as in son of god 63, comet calculation taking his age at AD or Augustus Death 76 away from 63,13,89,165,241,317,393,469,545,621,697,773,849,925,1001,1077,1153,1229,1305,1381,1457,1533,1609,1685,1761,1837,1913,1989 so as you can clearly see not much change or discrepancy in the dates of Edmund with the birth of the true son of god i.e. Augustus .It takes a wise man to lead the blind and the wicked to lead them away from the true guiding light.
If you were in the ancient world, and you wanted to locate God’s presence, you wanted to know where God dwelled, you wanted to know how God worked, and you didn’t need to look any further than Caesar. Caesar is the Son of God, God, and God from God. He had the will to proclaim it, the symbols to show it, the power to enforce it. Where is God, one might’ve asked? Easy: In the power and rule and way of Caesar. That is where God’s presence is located. Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s hypocrites Christians are no more than the thief’s upon the cross they worship for they that take without proper authority for they are wicked
Furthermore, in the Greek religious system which was polytheistic, the pantheons were in perpetual flux, and new cults came into being while old cults waned. This is especially in times of transitions, such as the Augustan age. Moreover, many cults of the Greeks were originated in and were imported from elsewhere. Thus, there was a long established precedence for the Greeks to accept a new cult and place the emperor into their pantheon. Augustus was probably even more easily accepted because he was touted as the son of a god, the deified Julius Caesar, or even the son of Apollo [Suet. Aug. 94] But that’s not the only thing these Galilean peasants would have encountered on a regular basis. Throughout the empire, there were thousands of monuments, coins, temples and artwork that reminded those subjected to the empire one very important religious point not to be mistaken: Caesar was divi filius, which in Latin means the “Son of God.” Roman coins from the same time period in which Jesus lived were plentiful. On one side of the coin was a picture of Julius Caesar, who had been deified by the Roman Senate. On the other side of the coin was a picture of Caesar Augustus, with an inscription that read divi filius, the Son of God. In modern day Ephesus, that great city where St. Paul founded the Ephesian Church, there still stands an example of one of many signs which proclaim “Caesar Augustus: Son of God and high priest.” Statues of the Caesars could be found as far west as Britain and as far east as modern day Iran. Each portrayed various Caesars striking a divine pose, and the intent was to hammer home the belief that Caesar was nothing less than God incarnate. As one historian puts it, this belief wasn’t “simply one-way propaganda enforced unilaterally. It was fully two-way ideology accepted multilaterally. It was Roman imperial theology, the ideological glue that held the empire dynamically together.” Like Alexander the Great before him, Augustus had become divine through world conquest, and those who followed Augustus in the role of Caesar, those such as Tiberius, Claudius and Nero, became known as Sons of God as well.
But that’s not the only religious imagery employed…
As ancient Roman poet Horace mourned the slaughter of the decade’s long civil wars that Augustus finally ended, he asked, “Whom shall Jupiter (the great God) assign the task of atoning for our sin?” He suggested several divine candidates, but ended up with Augustus as the incarnated God who would do so. And why not Augustus? After all, Romans celebrated him as four ways divine: by ancestral descent from Venus and Anchises, by miraculous virgin birth from Apollo and Atia, by paternal adoption from the deified Julius Caesar, and by official decree from the Roman Senate. One inscription from Egypt calls Augustus heaven’s shining star. He is described as the divine father and the heavenly Savoir. New Testament scholar Dom Crossan says that archaeological finds in the Roman world testify to Augustus’s stature as nothing less than Lord, Savoir, Redeemer, Liberator, Divine, Son of God, God, and God from God.” Do any of these sound familiar? Halley's comet is named after Edmond G. Halley who was the first to suggest that comets were natural phenomena of the solar system, in orbit around the Sun. He suggested that a certain comet was a regular visitor, returning every 76 years, and was, in fact, the same one which had been observed since 240 and 63 BC, but in particular in the years 1531, 1607, and 1682, dates which for him were recent history. In 1682 he predicted the comet would return again in 1758, and sure enough, the comet arrived in March 1759. Halley's Comet made a particularly bright appearance in 1910.Augustus Caesar’s birth as in son of god 63, comet calculation taking his age at AD or Augustus Death 76 away from 63,13,89,165,241,317,393,469,545,621,697,773,849,925,1001,1077,1153,1229,1305,1381,1457,1533,1609,1685,1761,1837,1913,1989 so as you can clearly see not much change or discrepancy in the dates of Edmund with the birth of the true son of god i.e. Augustus .It takes a wise man to lead the blind and the wicked to lead them away from the true guiding light.
If you were in the ancient world, and you wanted to locate God’s presence, you wanted to know where God dwelled, you wanted to know how God worked, and you didn’t need to look any further than Caesar. Caesar is the Son of God, God, and God from God. He had the will to proclaim it, the symbols to show it, the power to enforce it. Where is God, one might’ve asked? Easy: In the power and rule and way of Caesar. That is where God’s presence is located. Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s hypocrites Christians are no more than the thief’s upon the cross they worship for they that take without proper authority for they are wicked