Over the weekend of 6-7 March 2010 we moved from Hamilton to Masterton. We were assured that we would be able to move our Slingshot account. On the 8th of March I called Slingshot using my wife’s cell phone and was not able to be connected and was told there was a problem providing broadband. I was assured it would be done by the next day. The next day again we were not connected. Nor the next day. So in desperation I called Telecom and had telephone within an hour and broadband the next morning. Slingshot broke the contract. They did not supply service. Then they had the check to send me an account for a full month’s service and a month's fee as an early termination fee. I called the service department and complained and was assured it would be corrected, again nothing happened! I found that the roll over date between accounting months was the 23rd. Hence I owed them for 23rd + 24th … 7th. A total of 16 days for February/March. Which came to $158.65. I sent a cheque for for this amount but have since received a raft of bills. I contacted slingshot by email and was put in contact with an individual named Jake Skipper. He wrote that: "I can confirm that we did provide service to your property and the delay was well within the standard move time frame." I then sent him an email asking what date Slingshot provided service and what was the industry standard move time frame? He did not respond to that and then I received an email: "We have not heard from you concerning your request for support in the 48 hours since we sent you a response. Consequently, we have changed the status of your of your question to SOLVED." I then contacted Telecom and asked what their connection times were if all the wiring was in place and they said: Telephone one to two hours and broadband in one to two days.
I was also sent a letter from Lisa Wright dated 14 May 2010 stating that I was informed on the 8th of March there was an active line on the property and told how to remove it. Neither statement was in any was correct. I replied to her by the email address she gave on the 18th of May and have had no response.
I was also sent a letter from Lisa Wright dated 14 May 2010 stating that I was informed on the 8th of March there was an active line on the property and told how to remove it. Neither statement was in any was correct. I replied to her by the email address she gave on the 18th of May and have had no response.