I do not live in England and I will have problems with my writing in English, so, please try to accept it. For the past 12 years I have been searching for facts about Simon de Montfort, other facts than those made more infamous than famous by dr. Maddicott.
One of his son Guy two daughters, Anastasia was the ancestor of Henry VIII of England, Henry IV of France, Farnese family in Parma, Carlos III of Spain, the last Medicis of Florence. In fact, in the end, Simon de Montfort , Earl of Leicester was the ancestor of the most important people at the start of modern Europe. He was the first man of the modern political way of ruling people, through their elected representatives.
Please answer if you think that historians do not admire the people about whom they write so much!
Thank you!
One of his son Guy two daughters, Anastasia was the ancestor of Henry VIII of England, Henry IV of France, Farnese family in Parma, Carlos III of Spain, the last Medicis of Florence. In fact, in the end, Simon de Montfort , Earl of Leicester was the ancestor of the most important people at the start of modern Europe. He was the first man of the modern political way of ruling people, through their elected representatives.
Please answer if you think that historians do not admire the people about whom they write so much!
Thank you!