My Name is Simon Byrne and I am originally from Manchester in the uk. My parents are both from Ireland, and ten years ago myself and my wife and two sons relocated to Eire where we have lived very happily.
When I was younger i used to Box both at National and International Level. I boxed for 14 years and then went onto boxing coaching for another 7 years before we relocated to Eire. I have had many vivid dreams over the years of boxing many,many years ago...infact centuries ago!! and after having very vivid dreams of being very badly injured during some of these 'bare Knuckle fights' in make shift rings made from bales of hay or stakes in the ground with loose old ropes around..I decided to do abit of history searching and came up with ..Simon Byrne...The Irish Gem..bare knuckle Irish champion who moved to England and fought many a fight for 100's of rounds before being killed during a fight which was obviously to be his last. I know he fought in buckinghamshire...and although I have been there a number of years ago...it was before I had learnt of any of this history!!Strange thing was that I knew my way around buckinghamshire like the back of my hand!!Strange but true!!
I know you may be reading this and thiking..oh yes,,,Really!!! But honestly this is true.
I would not mind being hipnoatized just to see if any more facts on this part of my 'past life' would come out.
Would any intersted Historions or picture collectors have any pictures of Simon Byrne? I have only seen very poor drawings,,,and I would Love to see 'if' there is any kind of a ressemblance.
I hope that I have not bored any one with these facts. May I just say to anyone who is still interested in the bare knuckle fighting..that it is a far cry from the Art of the Queensbury Rules that Moulded modern day boxing into the Art that it is today. And although after competing in boxing for 14 years I do agree it is a very dangerous sport and that saftey procedures are paramount and should be increased all the time as i beleive that the Human form is becoming stronger and tougher as Athletes and this is where we have trouble, All the very best to you all.
When I was younger i used to Box both at National and International Level. I boxed for 14 years and then went onto boxing coaching for another 7 years before we relocated to Eire. I have had many vivid dreams over the years of boxing many,many years ago...infact centuries ago!! and after having very vivid dreams of being very badly injured during some of these 'bare Knuckle fights' in make shift rings made from bales of hay or stakes in the ground with loose old ropes around..I decided to do abit of history searching and came up with ..Simon Byrne...The Irish Gem..bare knuckle Irish champion who moved to England and fought many a fight for 100's of rounds before being killed during a fight which was obviously to be his last. I know he fought in buckinghamshire...and although I have been there a number of years ago...it was before I had learnt of any of this history!!Strange thing was that I knew my way around buckinghamshire like the back of my hand!!Strange but true!!
I know you may be reading this and thiking..oh yes,,,Really!!! But honestly this is true.
I would not mind being hipnoatized just to see if any more facts on this part of my 'past life' would come out.
Would any intersted Historions or picture collectors have any pictures of Simon Byrne? I have only seen very poor drawings,,,and I would Love to see 'if' there is any kind of a ressemblance.
I hope that I have not bored any one with these facts. May I just say to anyone who is still interested in the bare knuckle fighting..that it is a far cry from the Art of the Queensbury Rules that Moulded modern day boxing into the Art that it is today. And although after competing in boxing for 14 years I do agree it is a very dangerous sport and that saftey procedures are paramount and should be increased all the time as i beleive that the Human form is becoming stronger and tougher as Athletes and this is where we have trouble, All the very best to you all.