Life on Mars
Seed Ice Spores to Melt Polar Caps/Create Oxygen
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The idea to send humans to Mars will likely end in NASA losing its first humans in space. A better idea is to send spores to the Martian polar ice caps and let them evolve the way they did here on Earth. There are spores that have survived in Earth’s polar ice caps for over 10,000 years—longer than humans have been around.

The spores could be cultivated here to live in that climate, and then seeded in the Martian polar ice caps and presto—life on Mars. They will evolve and adapt and grow, changing the climate the way plant life did here on Earth. They will slowly add oxygen to the climate, making the Martian atmosphere more hospitable to Earth-like flora and fauna. They will also warm the temperature of the planet, melting the ice and creating free-flowing rivers and lakes.

Scientists who believe in evolution should trust in evolution.
replied to:  uncommonsense
Replied to:  The idea to send humans to Mars will likely end in...
Impresive but if there is allready life on mars then your idea could kill them beacause you dont knw what they breathe