Instances of violence against Countrylink staff, particularly those working night trains, has increased to an alarming rate; a leaked report and internal memo shows.
The worst affected trains are North and South night trains.
Also, the report goes on to shows explain that there is little or no Police availability at larger Country stations because these Police Stations close down at night. It has been revealed that it is Countrylink policy that Police must be in attendance at Stations where troublesome passengers are to be removed from the train.
The other alarming factor in the report details thing is that a lot of minor instances of troublesome passengers are not being reported to Countrylink Management by some Passenger Services Supervisors on these night trains.
Information released by the Police strongly indicates and documents that more and more people arrested for violent offences are under the influence of Alcohol or drugs but the most disturbing information is that the instances of people carrying weapons such as knives is statistically, per-passenger, on the rise.
Unlike air travel there is no screening of passengers for dangerous implements carried on board.
An internal memo has indicated that the combination of lack of Police response at night and the rise of weapons being carried puts Countrylink staff in serious risk.
The report highlights: Staff at Grafton face the highest risk of violence with second place going to the Staff at Albury depot, who face a slightly less risk of violence being used against them.
Countrylink Management are working closely with Transit officers to have them travel on these night services at times of higher risk including weekends and school holidays.
But will this be enough to ensure the safety of Countrylink crews that work the night trains?
Staff at Grafton Depot say a loudly: "NO".
"The risk is always there, even in off peak periods such as the winter months or non school holidays".
"We can't tell if someone (a passenger) is carrying a knife or something" said one concerned staff member who phoned me about the dangers.
Workers have a right to a safe work environment. Period.
The question must be asked, is Countrylink Management doing all they can to better protect workers from work place violence?
Will this question be handled in the same way as a dangerous intersection on a busy street? Nothing will happen until there are many crashes and the intersection becomes a "Black Spot".
Traditionally, and most CountryLinker Staffers reading this may agree, the issue of worker safety on night trains is going to be treated by management by locking the files in a cabinet somewhere. At least until the incidents become so frequent the event can't be quashed any longer.
If so, how many Staff members must be bashed and what type of injuries must be sustained before this issue becomes a "Black Spot" and action taken?
Countrylink Staff can only hope that Management will respond in a positive way. Anything less is just not good enough!