The cowboy element that frequented the town of tombstone in the 1880s were nothing more then rustlers,killers,cheats and liars. during the time the earps and holliday were their,these ruthless outlaws were gunning for them.they considered the earps and holliday as threats to their very existance. the trouble began when ike and wyatt cut a deal over reward money in which the deal went sour.curly bill and some other cowboys got drunk one night and began shooting up the town and resulted in the death of marshall fred white. wyatt raps a gun over curly bills head and bamm!!, the war gets even worse. the quadelupe canyon massecre has been disputed over the years by many an interested party. i like to beleive that wyatt,doc,james earp and fred dodge were responsible for the deaths of all the men who were at quadilupe canyon that night,old man clanton included. doc was drunk one night and was arguing with ike. doc told ike that he was the one who plugged his old man.