In response to the owner of bosnahistorija.org who denies readers the right to object to the highly biased articles displayed on his site, I am obliged to post my comments here.
In response to the article:
"Serbian nazi past and Jasenovac casualties manipulations"
the following comments were sent to the owner of bosnahistorija.org:
Dear fellow falsificator,
It is quite easy to fool anyone poorly aware of the history of the Balkans, that is most people from outside. This explains that a propaganda like yours was so efficient at demonizing the Serbs, purposely designated as a fuzzy mass without any precise pointer, and giving them the full responsibility for a war which was ignited with intensive secret support from Germany, the Vatican and the USA. Your claims are fully ridiculous for anyone knowledgeable on the matter and you give a perfect demonstration of how this massive propaganda was done.
It is easy to guess where you want to go when you dare claiming such plain lies like "according to most historians", "according to evidence reported by renowned researchers", "according to facts testified by X and Y" etc., etc., which gives the reader a lengthy hence impressive accumulation of one-sided references to various opinions which are by no way undisputable.
The big problem with your speech is that you simply ignore the most basic and undisputable facts of WW2 in the Balkans.
Do you seriously maintain that Serbia had a pro-nazi attitude while Serbia opposed the toughest and mostly self-developed resistance against the Nazis ? Don't you know that Serbia paid the heaviest human tribute to WW2 (in %) after Poland and Russia ? Don't you know that Serbs and Jews have endured massive extermination by the Nazis and their Croat and Muslim suppletives ? Don't you know that General Draza Mihajlovic was a genuine supporter of a parliamentary monarchy not only for Serbia but also for its neighbours among the Yugoslav republics and he was backed by Croat and Slovene democrats ?
Don't you know that Nedic puppet government was by no way supported by the people of Serbia ? Don't you know that Tito was a former Austro-Hungarian officer who became a communist secret agent after being captured and re-educated by Stalin ? Don't you know that Tito's first war goal was to eliminate General Draza Mihajlovic ? Do you state that General Draza Mihajlovic was a bad guy since he had to fight back ? Don't you know that Tito's first post-war goal was to maintain his brutal leadership on Yugoslavia and thus he carefully eliminated any opposition, especially from supporters of former General Draza Mihajlovic whom he had cynically executed together with 16.000 of his Chetniks ? Don't you know that the destiny of Yugoslavia was decided out of a dirty haggling between Churchill and Stalin at Tehran and Yalta ? Don't you know that Mihajlovic was backed by De Gaulle but he was betrayed by Churchill ?
You perfectly know all that, don't you ?
And you take as an authoritative source for your arrogant speech a pure revisionist book purposely designed to fuel the anti-Serb propaganda:
"Serbia’s Secret War: Propaganda and the Deceit of History",
a book by "Dr." Philip Cohen, an ignorant guy who has been suddenly turned into a scholar in history by the propaganda-makers behind this book, of whom you are at least a fierce propagator, if not a major contributor.
I shall not comment each line of this masterpiece of revisionism since it is easy to find reactions that refute the many insanities in it, read e.g. this comment:
A Little More Truth
The entire content of Cohen's book is a fully dishonest work that can only come from people who are ravaged by hatred. Those who write such revisionist books fuel the deceit of history. Those ones make a disgusting "secret war". Those, like you, who propagate such repugnant propaganda are the neo-nazis who wished the Serbs were fully exterminated during WW2. What is you problem man ?
Just reading the wicked title of your paper, "Serbian nazi past.." is a clear indication that YOU are a falsificator of history.
After my first indignation to your biased prose, you felt obliged to give me a reference to a book claiming that Bosniaks who had enrolled in the Handzar SS division were seeking protection. What a brilliant argument! Of course all Bosniaks are angels and all Serbs are devils. Sorry but, unless you want to rewrite history, Bosniaks and Croats even more (not all of them), unlike Serbs, have enjoyed a massive voluntary cooperation with the Nazis. Do you ignore the massive figures of Serb civilians assassinated by the Nazis and their Ustasha fellows ? Therefore, if you want to talk about the weak position of someone, think first about the genocide suffered by the Serbs.
It is quite funny that neo-nazi Jews and neo-nazi Bosnian Muslims fully agree when it comes to falsify the history of the Balkans.
As you cannot ignore it, revisionism is a crime and it is one of the criteria to assert a genocide. Perverse parrots like you and your fellow Cohen should be already prosecuted by the ICTY, were the ICTY a truly independent international court.
These comments were barred by bosnahistorija.org.
Instead, the owner of bosnahistorija.org replied:
Please do not post any more comments here, after reading your opening remark “Dear fellow falsificator” i didn`t even read the rest, you message was deleted almost immediately after that, i have treated you with respect like any other guest who posts comments, you have abused my good nature, and if you think this is propaganda this is only peanuts compared to chetnik sites like srpska mreza and various other Srebrenica deniers sites, please don`t talk to me or any other Bosniaks about propagada.
If you want to post comments do it on my forum, not here, i can tolerate some abuse there but not here.
The following reply was sent to the owner of bosnahistorija.org about his unfair attitude:
Your miserable reaction confirms what you are doing on this site. Well, if you find anything false in my objections to the highly biased way you rewrite history, then do not hesitate to correct me. When you deny people the right to publicly object to what you publicly write here, you confirm that you are nothing but a falsificator, plus a coward. All falsificators try to bar the legitimate objections of their opponents. You are a good Goebbels.
By the way, you will not find negative comments on bosnahistorija.org. Propaganda sites carefully filter the comments they receive. Everything they write would be ruined if they respected the basic democratic right to comment.
This is a pity that such revisionist sites continue to fuel a miserable propaganda full of hatred. The neo-nazis behind these sites do not want peace to happen in the Balkans.
In response to the article:
"Serbian nazi past and Jasenovac casualties manipulations"
the following comments were sent to the owner of bosnahistorija.org:
Dear fellow falsificator,
It is quite easy to fool anyone poorly aware of the history of the Balkans, that is most people from outside. This explains that a propaganda like yours was so efficient at demonizing the Serbs, purposely designated as a fuzzy mass without any precise pointer, and giving them the full responsibility for a war which was ignited with intensive secret support from Germany, the Vatican and the USA. Your claims are fully ridiculous for anyone knowledgeable on the matter and you give a perfect demonstration of how this massive propaganda was done.
It is easy to guess where you want to go when you dare claiming such plain lies like "according to most historians", "according to evidence reported by renowned researchers", "according to facts testified by X and Y" etc., etc., which gives the reader a lengthy hence impressive accumulation of one-sided references to various opinions which are by no way undisputable.
The big problem with your speech is that you simply ignore the most basic and undisputable facts of WW2 in the Balkans.
Do you seriously maintain that Serbia had a pro-nazi attitude while Serbia opposed the toughest and mostly self-developed resistance against the Nazis ? Don't you know that Serbia paid the heaviest human tribute to WW2 (in %) after Poland and Russia ? Don't you know that Serbs and Jews have endured massive extermination by the Nazis and their Croat and Muslim suppletives ? Don't you know that General Draza Mihajlovic was a genuine supporter of a parliamentary monarchy not only for Serbia but also for its neighbours among the Yugoslav republics and he was backed by Croat and Slovene democrats ?
Don't you know that Nedic puppet government was by no way supported by the people of Serbia ? Don't you know that Tito was a former Austro-Hungarian officer who became a communist secret agent after being captured and re-educated by Stalin ? Don't you know that Tito's first war goal was to eliminate General Draza Mihajlovic ? Do you state that General Draza Mihajlovic was a bad guy since he had to fight back ? Don't you know that Tito's first post-war goal was to maintain his brutal leadership on Yugoslavia and thus he carefully eliminated any opposition, especially from supporters of former General Draza Mihajlovic whom he had cynically executed together with 16.000 of his Chetniks ? Don't you know that the destiny of Yugoslavia was decided out of a dirty haggling between Churchill and Stalin at Tehran and Yalta ? Don't you know that Mihajlovic was backed by De Gaulle but he was betrayed by Churchill ?
You perfectly know all that, don't you ?
And you take as an authoritative source for your arrogant speech a pure revisionist book purposely designed to fuel the anti-Serb propaganda:
"Serbia’s Secret War: Propaganda and the Deceit of History",
a book by "Dr." Philip Cohen, an ignorant guy who has been suddenly turned into a scholar in history by the propaganda-makers behind this book, of whom you are at least a fierce propagator, if not a major contributor.
I shall not comment each line of this masterpiece of revisionism since it is easy to find reactions that refute the many insanities in it, read e.g. this comment:
A Little More Truth
The entire content of Cohen's book is a fully dishonest work that can only come from people who are ravaged by hatred. Those who write such revisionist books fuel the deceit of history. Those ones make a disgusting "secret war". Those, like you, who propagate such repugnant propaganda are the neo-nazis who wished the Serbs were fully exterminated during WW2. What is you problem man ?
Just reading the wicked title of your paper, "Serbian nazi past.." is a clear indication that YOU are a falsificator of history.
After my first indignation to your biased prose, you felt obliged to give me a reference to a book claiming that Bosniaks who had enrolled in the Handzar SS division were seeking protection. What a brilliant argument! Of course all Bosniaks are angels and all Serbs are devils. Sorry but, unless you want to rewrite history, Bosniaks and Croats even more (not all of them), unlike Serbs, have enjoyed a massive voluntary cooperation with the Nazis. Do you ignore the massive figures of Serb civilians assassinated by the Nazis and their Ustasha fellows ? Therefore, if you want to talk about the weak position of someone, think first about the genocide suffered by the Serbs.
It is quite funny that neo-nazi Jews and neo-nazi Bosnian Muslims fully agree when it comes to falsify the history of the Balkans.
As you cannot ignore it, revisionism is a crime and it is one of the criteria to assert a genocide. Perverse parrots like you and your fellow Cohen should be already prosecuted by the ICTY, were the ICTY a truly independent international court.
These comments were barred by bosnahistorija.org.
Instead, the owner of bosnahistorija.org replied:
Please do not post any more comments here, after reading your opening remark “Dear fellow falsificator” i didn`t even read the rest, you message was deleted almost immediately after that, i have treated you with respect like any other guest who posts comments, you have abused my good nature, and if you think this is propaganda this is only peanuts compared to chetnik sites like srpska mreza and various other Srebrenica deniers sites, please don`t talk to me or any other Bosniaks about propagada.
If you want to post comments do it on my forum, not here, i can tolerate some abuse there but not here.
The following reply was sent to the owner of bosnahistorija.org about his unfair attitude:
Your miserable reaction confirms what you are doing on this site. Well, if you find anything false in my objections to the highly biased way you rewrite history, then do not hesitate to correct me. When you deny people the right to publicly object to what you publicly write here, you confirm that you are nothing but a falsificator, plus a coward. All falsificators try to bar the legitimate objections of their opponents. You are a good Goebbels.
By the way, you will not find negative comments on bosnahistorija.org. Propaganda sites carefully filter the comments they receive. Everything they write would be ruined if they respected the basic democratic right to comment.
This is a pity that such revisionist sites continue to fuel a miserable propaganda full of hatred. The neo-nazis behind these sites do not want peace to happen in the Balkans.