I am writing this letter with great hope. You clearly know through which situation puppies and we are going. And you probably know our questions- where are puppies? How are they and in what condition? It is really a very tough time. Puppies were staying with us from so many months and everyone was happy except our particular neighbors. They blamed that puppies used to trouble their crops by entering through the holes and digging holes near crops which they have grown with their handwork. We agree that they have grown their crops by working hard. But they suggested that they will “throw the puppies somewhere” to save their crops. That idea was not acceptable. We thought that they were just threating us and will not create a serious problem them. They were so sweat that anyone would love them. They used to stop puppies from entering but as they didn’t know whether to go to that place or not. Since last Sunday i.e. June 2, 2013 they were saying that they will end this problem by “throwing puppies another place”. On Tuesday’s night they were putting the puppies in a sack so as to “throw” them to another place. We were so attached to the puppies that we couldn’t bear it and a dispute occurred. Our next door neighbors said that they have also grown vegetables in open area and when they irrigate them they only sit and have never spoiled them. Those particular neighbors are so cruel that they have beaten their own dog with bricks to kill him because he barked at their children. We thought that if they can beat their own dog then these stray dogs are nothing in front of their cruelty. So on next day we forcefully kept puppies inside the house in order to protect them. But we didn’t know that this protection will become a curse for them. All puppies were crying for going outside as they never have been kept inside for so long time. So we got their mother inside the house in veranda. We decided that we our self will get these puppies out of the area. So we hired auto. We decided that mother of puppies will also go with them to a new place with advantage of togetherness and she will protect them another dogs. But the things went wrong. We put the puppies in the sack to shift them. We thought all the six puppies were in sack but actually one puppy was left as he was sleeping behind the plant and out of our sight. As mother was not ready to go so we got busy in getting her but she still didn’t go with them. We were in shock that on puppy was left. We didn’t count the puppies. Since that day puppy remain upset and doesn’t come out of the bushes. He has become very thin because of eating disorder. He doesn’t eat or drink anything because of grief of puppies. He waits for them every movement passes and wanders here and there in search for them. We forcefully tried to give milk but he denied. It was very difficult and horrible situation for all of us especially for that puppy. We can’t see him dying because of grief of puppies. We are responsible for this scattered family but this was not our intention. So I request you to tell us where the puppies are in this world. We want to reunite them and make them happy. This can only happen if you help us. It is a request from heart that you will replay us much as soon as possible. Waiting for your reply.Please do reply. RADHA SWAMI JI
I am writing this letter with great hope. You clearly know through which situation puppies and we are going. And you probably know our questions- where are puppies? How are they and in what condition? It is really a very tough time. Puppies were staying with us from so many months and everyone was happy except our particular neighbors. They blamed that puppies used to trouble their crops by entering through the holes and digging holes near crops which they have grown with their handwork. We agree that they have grown their crops by working hard. But they suggested that they will “throw the puppies somewhere” to save their crops. That idea was not acceptable. We thought that they were just threating us and will not create a serious problem them. They were so sweat that anyone would love them. They used to stop puppies from entering but as they didn’t know whether to go to that place or not. Since last Sunday i.e. June 2, 2013 they were saying that they will end this problem by “throwing puppies another place”. On Tuesday’s night they were putting the puppies in a sack so as to “throw” them to another place. We were so attached to the puppies that we couldn’t bear it and a dispute occurred. Our next door neighbors said that they have also grown vegetables in open area and when they irrigate them they only sit and have never spoiled them. Those particular neighbors are so cruel that they have beaten their own dog with bricks to kill him because he barked at their children. We thought that if they can beat their own dog then these stray dogs are nothing in front of their cruelty. So on next day we forcefully kept puppies inside the house in order to protect them. But we didn’t know that this protection will become a curse for them. All puppies were crying for going outside as they never have been kept inside for so long time. So we got their mother inside the house in veranda. We decided that we our self will get these puppies out of the area. So we hired auto. We decided that mother of puppies will also go with them to a new place with advantage of togetherness and she will protect them another dogs. But the things went wrong. We put the puppies in the sack to shift them. We thought all the six puppies were in sack but actually one puppy was left as he was sleeping behind the plant and out of our sight. As mother was not ready to go so we got busy in getting her but she still didn’t go with them. We were in shock that on puppy was left. We didn’t count the puppies. Since that day puppy remain upset and doesn’t come out of the bushes. He has become very thin because of eating disorder. He doesn’t eat or drink anything because of grief of puppies. He waits for them every movement passes and wanders here and there in search for them. We forcefully tried to give milk but he denied. It was very difficult and horrible situation for all of us especially for that puppy. We can’t see him dying because of grief of puppies. We are responsible for this scattered family but this was not our intention. So I request you to tell us where the puppies are in this world. We want to reunite them and make them happy. This can only happen if you help us. It is a request from heart that you will replay us much as soon as possible. Waiting for your reply.Please do reply. RADHA SWAMI JI