The Sewadar In-charge
Accommodation department
Radha Soami Satsang Beas
Dera Baba Jaimal Singh
District Amritsar-143204.
Subject: Request for hostel accommodation for Six persons for three days [22-24 Oct 2010]
Respected Sir(s),
I wish to visit Beas just after marriage to take the blessings of Baba ji for my entire life for three days i.e. 22nd Oct to 24th Oct 2010 along with my family members, whose particulars are given below:
S.No. Name Age Relationship
1. Nitin Bhandula 28 Self
2. Rajni Bhandula 27 Wife
3. Mr. Jagan Nath Bhandula 54 Father
4. Mrs Meenu Bhandula 51 Mother
5. Hunny Bhandula 25 Brother
6. Ankita Bhandula 17 Sister
I propose to reach Dera on the 22nd Oct(afternoon) and return from there on the 24th Oct 2010. You are, accordingly, requested to kindly book Hostel Accommodation for three days and oblige.
I shall be highly obliged for a line in confirmation.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Nitin Bhandula)
Relationship Manager
Century plyboards (I) Limited,
Home Address:
Plot No. 779, B -III,
Quilla Mohalla, Near Public Nursery School,
Accommodation department
Radha Soami Satsang Beas
Dera Baba Jaimal Singh
District Amritsar-143204.
Subject: Request for hostel accommodation for Six persons for three days [22-24 Oct 2010]
Respected Sir(s),
I wish to visit Beas just after marriage to take the blessings of Baba ji for my entire life for three days i.e. 22nd Oct to 24th Oct 2010 along with my family members, whose particulars are given below:
S.No. Name Age Relationship
1. Nitin Bhandula 28 Self
2. Rajni Bhandula 27 Wife
3. Mr. Jagan Nath Bhandula 54 Father
4. Mrs Meenu Bhandula 51 Mother
5. Hunny Bhandula 25 Brother
6. Ankita Bhandula 17 Sister
I propose to reach Dera on the 22nd Oct(afternoon) and return from there on the 24th Oct 2010. You are, accordingly, requested to kindly book Hostel Accommodation for three days and oblige.
I shall be highly obliged for a line in confirmation.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Nitin Bhandula)
Relationship Manager
Century plyboards (I) Limited,
Home Address:
Plot No. 779, B -III,
Quilla Mohalla, Near Public Nursery School,