The main theme in the story is the satronization of religion. Or in other words the mockery of religion. He uses Cutie to represent a human with the ability to reason and how the ability inevitably leads to the creation of believes that are unfounded by lack of evidence except one's own logic. At first we see Powell and Donovan trying to reason with Cutie but in the end leave him alone because they see no harm in what cutie believes. Personally I beleive Asimov executed this story quite well. He made it a point to I guess "mock" or just point out the fact that sometimes humans logic in things like religion can be very unfounded. Yet he also lets Donovan and Powell leave Cutie be. Asimov neveropposed religious conviction in others, but he frequently railed against superstitious and pseudoscientific beliefs that tried to pass themselves off as genuine science. I beleive he tried to express some of his personal views through this story. It's one of my favorates because it's bold and there's truth to it.