Yes, the book is very clever and wonderfully written. However, it is truly ruined by Stephen's racists remarks throughout the book about whites. He tries to hide it in his writing by putting in dialog (random comments)on how the African Americans in the book are being discriminated against......when the varied prejudice statements really do not help the story, but clutter it with these diatribes. Its all over the place every chapter is another dig at the white race. What gives with this hatred. An example: Chapter 41 part III last three paragraphs. Julia is suppose to be a well to do African American, why would anyone mistake her for a beggar??? There are loads of examples in the book and I find it hard to believe any of the famous writers who commented on it actually read the book carefully enough or chose to ignore these ridiculous loathing statements he has for his white counterparts. Its amazing he has reached as high as he has with this type of hatred.