I live in southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Mudpuppies are quite prolific throughout the Fraser Valley, and especailly the Pitt Lake region. In all the documentation I have read on this unique creature, this area has not been mentioned as a habitat for the Mudpuppy.
I had the priveledge of observing 2 large colonies of Mudpuppies over the course of 2 years in 2 very large Koi ponds. Another thing worth mentioning, is all the Mudpuppies I have found live in colonies of 8-12. The last colony I saw was living in a shallow well, approx. 2m. (6-8') dia. 3m. (12') deep. Average size being 25-35cm. (10-15") in length.
The Mudpuppy also has a 2 very effective defense mechanisms in my observations. Their ability to change colors and blend into their environment, as well as being able to quickly secrete large amounts of a milkywhite liquid substance through their skin when agitated or in danger. This substance must be very unpalatable, as I have never seen a Mudpuppy eaten by Great Blue or Grey Heron that so often fed in the Koi ponds. The Koi ponds when they first started out did not offer the Mudpuppies much in the way of camouflage, yet the Mudpuppies were never even touched.
I had the priveledge of observing 2 large colonies of Mudpuppies over the course of 2 years in 2 very large Koi ponds. Another thing worth mentioning, is all the Mudpuppies I have found live in colonies of 8-12. The last colony I saw was living in a shallow well, approx. 2m. (6-8') dia. 3m. (12') deep. Average size being 25-35cm. (10-15") in length.
The Mudpuppy also has a 2 very effective defense mechanisms in my observations. Their ability to change colors and blend into their environment, as well as being able to quickly secrete large amounts of a milkywhite liquid substance through their skin when agitated or in danger. This substance must be very unpalatable, as I have never seen a Mudpuppy eaten by Great Blue or Grey Heron that so often fed in the Koi ponds. The Koi ponds when they first started out did not offer the Mudpuppies much in the way of camouflage, yet the Mudpuppies were never even touched.