Radhasoami babaji we want your blessings as earlyas possible
replied to: ranjitkalsy
Replied to: Radhasoami babaji we want your blessings as earlyas possible
Babaji has always blessing with you my friend. you don,t think that babaji is unknown about you and yours problems in life. babaji always dwells within you.
we should not advice like this to babaji it shows the lack of faith in babaji that babaji will give blessing only if we will ask for. our duty is to live in the remembrance of babaji rest other thinks leave in the babaji's hand.
and secondly this website is only a discussion forum. the replies given to the member is only by the satsangis member and this website has no connection to dera beas.
replied to: udipt123
Replied to: Babaji has always blessing with you my friend. you don,t think...
I fully agree.