One can understand from the website, “Church of the churchless” as to why many RSSB disciples like Brian Hines and several others, after having written lot of RSSB books, like “life-is-fair” left the SANTMAT after 20-30 years and are criticizing it due to obvious reasons.
But the History, emerging on compilation of some information from different websites does raise many unanswered questions, which need to be analyzed without hurting one’s faith or feelings due to revelations about self proclaimed GURUS of RSSB in absence of any evidence contrary to such findings.
Source:- http://radhasoamis.freeyellow.com/page1.html & http://www.sikhiwiki.org/index.php/Radhasoami_Beas_Secret_History
Radhasoami Beas Secret History
Jaimal Singh
In October 1877, nine months before Swami Ji died, Jaimal Singh claims Swami Ji asked him privately to go to the Punjab and preach sant mat. Jaimal was an army soldier on yearly leave at the time. There is no evidence at all Swami Ji told Jaimal this, or ever gave Jaimal permission to initiate. There is no evidence Swami Ji knew whom Jaimal was, ever knew his name, or ever met Jaimal face to face. Jaimal claimed Radhaji (Swami Ji's wife) gave him a turban and prayer mat in 1890, there is no evidence this is true. There is no evidence Swami Ji ever gave Jaimal written or verbal permission in secret to act as Guru . No one in Swami Ji's family ever confirmed Swami Ji told Jaimal in private to preach sant mat. There are no records or confirmation from anywhere, or any contemporary personages of Jaimal's time that this ever happened, or that anyone ever saw Jaimal in the satsang of Swami Ji even once. We do not even know if Jaimal was initiated in the lifetime of Swami Ji. There are no photographs of Swami Ji with Jaimal and only 3 photographs of Jaimal are known to exist.
Most astonishing is the fact that Swami Ji never wrote a single letter to Jaimal, that Jaimal ever mentioned. Considering Swami Ji's satsang was loaded with high ranking postal workers (including Swami Ji's two brothers Chachaji and Brindraban, Sudarshan (Chachaji's son) and Salig Ram, etc.), it's quite remarkable Jaimal never recieved a letter from Swami Ji. This group was famous for writing letters. Why didn't Jaimal write Swami Ji letters in the army, if he considered him his master? During the 21 years Jaimal was in the infantry while Swami Ji was alive, he could have visited satsang in Agra only a few times on yearly leave. Kirpal's claim that Jaimal only made it to satsang 3 times in his life seems to make sense. Basically, the reason we assume Jaimal visited at least once the satsang of Swami Ji, was that in Chachaji's biography of Swami Ji, he mentions Jaimal's 24th Sikh unit passing by, but did not give the date. But, it could not have been 1856, as the 24th Sikh did not come into being until late 1857, after the Sepoy Uprising.
Jaimal waits until July 1884, while he is still a soldier, to initiate his first person according to Beas and retired in 1889. In 1891 he started Beas group. It took Jaimal 7 years to initiate his first person according to Beas and 14 years until he established Beas , both from the Oct. 1877 date Swami Ji supposedly asked him secretly to do. Jaimal claimed Swami Ji asked him to do this nine months before his death, which was the last time Jaimal claimed he saw Swami Ji on yearly leave. Another problem is that Jaimal saw many masters and it is unknown if he considered Swami Ji his master, while Swami Ji was alive.
Some Beas books say Jaimal initiated a maximum of 2000 people, others 2343 people. Jaimal died December 29, 1903. He initiated Sawan Singh October 15, 1894 in the Murree Hills, in what is now Pakistan. Radhaji ( Swami Ji's wife) died two weeks later, Nov.1, 1894. Radhaji was a beautiful person and was known for giving money to the poor as she walked down the street from a change purse she always carried. Radhaji married Swami Ji at the age of 15.
There is no evidence Radha Ji, Swami ji's wife, ever knew who Jaimal was either. She did not know Sawan, as she died 2 weeks after Sawan met Jaimal for the first time.
This is Swami Ji's Will, from Chachaji's Biography of Swami Ji. Chachaji (Swami Ji's brother, Pratap Singh) was there at the time Swami Ji's will was spoken to crowd and this is the EXACT HISTORICAL REFERENCE. Chachaji and Sudarshan actually were the ones whom wrote the will down as Swami Ji spoke his last words. Of course Jaimal is not in the will. Any will you ever read that differs from this exact version is bogus.)
Source: Compilation from Wikipedia of RSSBS’ GURUS .
The Beas lineage is:
1. Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras
2. Soamiji Mahārāj Shivdayal Singh of Agra (Shivdayāl Singh Seth (called "Swami Ji" by followers and devotees) was born 25 August 1818 and died 15 June 1878 (Agra). Sant Tulsi Sahib initiated him at the age of six.
3. Jaimal Singh, one of disciples of Soami Ji, established a SATSANG in Punjab near the village BEAS on the Northern bank of river BEAS which is considered to be the most popular of all RADHA SOAMI SATSANGS in the world today with a large number of followers. He was succeeded by other GURUS, all Sikh by birth, who drew heavily from the GURU GRANTH SAHIB, the holy book of the Sikhs and imparted to the movement a certain Sikh flavor, which perhaps Soami Ji Maharaj wouldn’t have approved and which is certainly not appreciated by the orthodox Sikh community who believe that the lineage of true SATGURUS ended some three hundred years ago. Maharaj Gurinder Singh is the current leader of this SATSANG. He has consolidated the movement in the west by travelling extensively and increased the number of followers in the west. He has also limited the age of initiation to 25. RSSB Lineage of GURUS is given here under:
1. Sant Jaimal Singh Mahārāj - Master at Beas, 1884-1903. It had its origins when the soldier-saint Bābā Jaimal Singh settled in 1891.
1(i) In October 1877, Shiv Dayal Singh instructed Jaimal Singh to start initiating "true seekers" in the Puñjab.
1(ii) Born on: July , 1939. Died on Dec. 29, 1903.
1(iii) Jaimal Singh ji was a disciple of Soāmi Shivdayal Singh. Jaimal Singh
1(iv) Jaimal Singh left the Army on June 7, 1889 and retired to his village.
1(v) While in the Army, Jaimal Singh initiated Baba Bagga Singh in Multan, now in Pakistan. (Bagga Singh later started a new line of gurus in Tarn Taran, Puñjab after Jaimal Singh's death.)
2. Hazur Bābā Sāwan Singh Mahārāj - Master at Beas, 1903-1948.
2(i) After much arguing and discussion and several conferences with Jaimal Singh, Sawan became thoroughly convinced and received Initiation from Jaimal Singh on the 15th day of October, 1894.
2(ii) Sawan Singh Grewal was born into a Sikh family on 27 July 1858.
2(iii) On a visit to Mari Pahar, now in Pakistan, Jaimal Singh initiated Baba Sawan Singh, a military engineer, on 15th October, 1894, who eventually became his successor.
2(iv) Sawan Singh retired in 1911 and developed Dera Baba Jaimal Singh (Beas) --the "camp of Baba Jaimal Singh" where Baba Jaimal had settled in 1891. Sawan was very devoted to his master Jaimal Singh. He was the second Satguru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB) from the death of Baba Jaimal Singh in 1903 until his own death on April 2, 1948.
3. Sardār Bahādur Jagat Singh Mahārāj –(M Sc. Chemistry) Master at Beas, 1948-1951, called Sardar Bahadur Jagat Singh Maharaj, was a college chemistry professor, a disciple of Sawan Singh. ***
3(i) He was born on 20 July 1884. He joined the Punjab Agricultural College, Lyallpur, in 1911 as Assistant Professor of Chemistry and retired as Vice Principal of the institution in 1943 receiving the title Sardar Bahadur for his meritorious service.
3(ii) On 28 December 1910 he was initiated into the Mystic Practice of Surat Shabd Yoga or Nam Bhakti by Baba Sawan Singh. He died on the morning of 23 October 1951.
4. Hazur Mahārāj Charan Singh - Master at Beas, 1951-1990. Maharaj Charan Singh Ji (1916–1990) was a Sant Satguru from India. He was Grandson of Hazur Bābā Sāwan Singh Mahārāj. He is a graduate in law and arts and his intelligence, good looks, and graciousness have since the 1970's brought many foreigners and upper-class Indians into the group.
He became the fifth Satguru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB) in 1951 following the death of Sardar Bahadur Jagat Singh, and served until his death at the age of 73.
4(i) Born on Dec. 12, 1916. Died: June 1, 1990.
4(ii) His Satguru was Baba Sawan Singh Ji.*** His successor and the present Satguru is Baba Gurinder Singh Ji, headquartered at Dera Baba Jaimal Singh, Beas, Punjab, India.
5. Bābā Gurinder Singh Mahārāj - Master at Beas, 1990-present. Nephew of Hazoor Maharaj Charan Singh ji.
5(i) Born: August 1, 1954. He was educated at the Lawrence School, Sanawar, in the Shimla Hills of Himachal Pradesh, considered one of the top schools in India, and obtained his Bachelor's degree in Commerce from Punjab University, Chandigarh.
5(ii) He began his career in the hotel industry and later worked for DCM in the yarn division.
5(iii) He was in Spain working as a salesman before he came back to India to accept his nomination as the next spiritual head of RSSB in 1990.
Beas lineage :
1843-1861 appx. Girdhari Das (possible)**
1861-1878 Swami Ji,
1878-1884 Salig Ram
1884-1903 Jaimal Singh
1903-1907 Sankar Misra
1907-1913 'Buaji' Maheswari Devi
1909-1918 'Babuji' Madhav Sinha(overlap)
1918-1948 Sawan Singh
1948-1951 Jagat Singh
1951-1990 Charan Singh
1990-current Gurinder Singh
End Beas Gurus
Note** Jaimal may have been initiated by Girdhari Das
in 1856 (a Tulsi Sahib disciple), not Swami Ji.
Agra lineage :
1843-1861 Girdhari Das
1861-1878 'Swami Ji' Shiv Dayal Singh
1878-1898 'Hazur' Rai Saligram
1898-1907 Brahm Sankar Misra
1907-1913 'Bauji' Mahewari Devi
1909-1949 'Babuji' Madhav Sinha *
*(overlap woman guru)
End Agra Gurus
Source:- http://www.angelfire.com/band/radhasoamisantmath/radhasoami9
The gist of this topic could be viewed from the website,"http://www.hinduwebsite.com/hinduism/sects/radhasoami.asp" as under:-
Soamiji Maharaj did not name any particular successor. So after his death branched off movement into several directions. In the opinion of some, this worked to its advantage as the movement spread far and wide with the help of many SATSANGS each headed by a separate SATGURU. Some of these SATSANGS were based in Agra and identified as Agra Lineage.
Jaimal Singh, one of the disciples of Soamiji, established a SATSANG in Punjab near the village BEAS which is considered to be the most popular of all the RADHA SOAMI SATSANGS in the world today with a large number of followers. He was succeeded by other GURUS, all SIKHS by birth, who drew heavily from the GURU GRANTH SAHIB, the holy book of SIKHS and imparted to the movement a certain Sikh flavor which perhaps SOAMIJI MAHARAJ would not have approved and which is certainly not appreciated by the orthodox SIKH community who believe that the lineage of true SATGURUS ended some 300 years ago. Maharaj Gurinder Singh Dhilon is the current leader of this SATSANG. He has consolidated the movement in the west by travelling extensively and increased the number of followers in the west. He has also limited the age of initiation to 25.
The movement is not entirely without controversy. There are allegations that the original traditions of the movement have been greatly diluted and that the GURUS lack the merit and wisdom of the earlier masters. Serious doubts have been raised from time to time about the spiritual status of some of the self proclaimed GURUS heading different factions. In some sub sects the initiation ceremony is said to be done mechanically according to an initiation instruction manual by persons other than the GURU himself acting as his proxy and that those who initiate others in to the movement lack the spiritual merit. The DERA at BEAS is also mired in security issues due to threats posed to its GURU, which has created some alienation between the GURU and his SATSANGIS.
One can understand from the website, “Church of the churchless” as to why many RSSB disciples like Brian Hines and several others, after having written lot of RSSB books, like “life-is-fair” left the SANTMAT after 20-30 years and are criticizing it due to obvious reasons.
But the History, emerging on compilation of some information from different websites does raise many unanswered questions, which need to be analyzed without hurting one’s faith or feelings due to revelations about self proclaimed GURUS of RSSB in absence of any evidence contrary to such findings.
Source:- http://radhasoamis.freeyellow.com/page1.html & http://www.sikhiwiki.org/index.php/Radhasoami_Beas_Secret_History
Radhasoami Beas Secret History
Jaimal Singh
In October 1877, nine months before Swami Ji died, Jaimal Singh claims Swami Ji asked him privately to go to the Punjab and preach sant mat. Jaimal was an army soldier on yearly leave at the time. There is no evidence at all Swami Ji told Jaimal this, or ever gave Jaimal permission to initiate. There is no evidence Swami Ji knew whom Jaimal was, ever knew his name, or ever met Jaimal face to face. Jaimal claimed Radhaji (Swami Ji's wife) gave him a turban and prayer mat in 1890, there is no evidence this is true. There is no evidence Swami Ji ever gave Jaimal written or verbal permission in secret to act as Guru . No one in Swami Ji's family ever confirmed Swami Ji told Jaimal in private to preach sant mat. There are no records or confirmation from anywhere, or any contemporary personages of Jaimal's time that this ever happened, or that anyone ever saw Jaimal in the satsang of Swami Ji even once. We do not even know if Jaimal was initiated in the lifetime of Swami Ji. There are no photographs of Swami Ji with Jaimal and only 3 photographs of Jaimal are known to exist.
Most astonishing is the fact that Swami Ji never wrote a single letter to Jaimal, that Jaimal ever mentioned. Considering Swami Ji's satsang was loaded with high ranking postal workers (including Swami Ji's two brothers Chachaji and Brindraban, Sudarshan (Chachaji's son) and Salig Ram, etc.), it's quite remarkable Jaimal never recieved a letter from Swami Ji. This group was famous for writing letters. Why didn't Jaimal write Swami Ji letters in the army, if he considered him his master? During the 21 years Jaimal was in the infantry while Swami Ji was alive, he could have visited satsang in Agra only a few times on yearly leave. Kirpal's claim that Jaimal only made it to satsang 3 times in his life seems to make sense. Basically, the reason we assume Jaimal visited at least once the satsang of Swami Ji, was that in Chachaji's biography of Swami Ji, he mentions Jaimal's 24th Sikh unit passing by, but did not give the date. But, it could not have been 1856, as the 24th Sikh did not come into being until late 1857, after the Sepoy Uprising.
Jaimal waits until July 1884, while he is still a soldier, to initiate his first person according to Beas and retired in 1889. In 1891 he started Beas group. It took Jaimal 7 years to initiate his first person according to Beas and 14 years until he established Beas , both from the Oct. 1877 date Swami Ji supposedly asked him secretly to do. Jaimal claimed Swami Ji asked him to do this nine months before his death, which was the last time Jaimal claimed he saw Swami Ji on yearly leave. Another problem is that Jaimal saw many masters and it is unknown if he considered Swami Ji his master, while Swami Ji was alive.
Some Beas books say Jaimal initiated a maximum of 2000 people, others 2343 people. Jaimal died December 29, 1903. He initiated Sawan Singh October 15, 1894 in the Murree Hills, in what is now Pakistan. Radhaji ( Swami Ji's wife) died two weeks later, Nov.1, 1894. Radhaji was a beautiful person and was known for giving money to the poor as she walked down the street from a change purse she always carried. Radhaji married Swami Ji at the age of 15.
There is no evidence Radha Ji, Swami ji's wife, ever knew who Jaimal was either. She did not know Sawan, as she died 2 weeks after Sawan met Jaimal for the first time.
This is Swami Ji's Will, from Chachaji's Biography of Swami Ji. Chachaji (Swami Ji's brother, Pratap Singh) was there at the time Swami Ji's will was spoken to crowd and this is the EXACT HISTORICAL REFERENCE. Chachaji and Sudarshan actually were the ones whom wrote the will down as Swami Ji spoke his last words. Of course Jaimal is not in the will. Any will you ever read that differs from this exact version is bogus.)
Source: Compilation from Wikipedia of RSSBS’ GURUS .
The Beas lineage is:
1. Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras
2. Soamiji Mahārāj Shivdayal Singh of Agra (Shivdayāl Singh Seth (called "Swami Ji" by followers and devotees) was born 25 August 1818 and died 15 June 1878 (Agra). Sant Tulsi Sahib initiated him at the age of six.
3. Jaimal Singh, one of disciples of Soami Ji, established a SATSANG in Punjab near the village BEAS on the Northern bank of river BEAS which is considered to be the most popular of all RADHA SOAMI SATSANGS in the world today with a large number of followers. He was succeeded by other GURUS, all Sikh by birth, who drew heavily from the GURU GRANTH SAHIB, the holy book of the Sikhs and imparted to the movement a certain Sikh flavor, which perhaps Soami Ji Maharaj wouldn’t have approved and which is certainly not appreciated by the orthodox Sikh community who believe that the lineage of true SATGURUS ended some three hundred years ago. Maharaj Gurinder Singh is the current leader of this SATSANG. He has consolidated the movement in the west by travelling extensively and increased the number of followers in the west. He has also limited the age of initiation to 25. RSSB Lineage of GURUS is given here under:
1. Sant Jaimal Singh Mahārāj - Master at Beas, 1884-1903. It had its origins when the soldier-saint Bābā Jaimal Singh settled in 1891.
1(i) In October 1877, Shiv Dayal Singh instructed Jaimal Singh to start initiating "true seekers" in the Puñjab.
1(ii) Born on: July , 1939. Died on Dec. 29, 1903.
1(iii) Jaimal Singh ji was a disciple of Soāmi Shivdayal Singh. Jaimal Singh
1(iv) Jaimal Singh left the Army on June 7, 1889 and retired to his village.
1(v) While in the Army, Jaimal Singh initiated Baba Bagga Singh in Multan, now in Pakistan. (Bagga Singh later started a new line of gurus in Tarn Taran, Puñjab after Jaimal Singh's death.)
2. Hazur Bābā Sāwan Singh Mahārāj - Master at Beas, 1903-1948.
2(i) After much arguing and discussion and several conferences with Jaimal Singh, Sawan became thoroughly convinced and received Initiation from Jaimal Singh on the 15th day of October, 1894.
2(ii) Sawan Singh Grewal was born into a Sikh family on 27 July 1858.
2(iii) On a visit to Mari Pahar, now in Pakistan, Jaimal Singh initiated Baba Sawan Singh, a military engineer, on 15th October, 1894, who eventually became his successor.
2(iv) Sawan Singh retired in 1911 and developed Dera Baba Jaimal Singh (Beas) --the "camp of Baba Jaimal Singh" where Baba Jaimal had settled in 1891. Sawan was very devoted to his master Jaimal Singh. He was the second Satguru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB) from the death of Baba Jaimal Singh in 1903 until his own death on April 2, 1948.
3. Sardār Bahādur Jagat Singh Mahārāj –(M Sc. Chemistry) Master at Beas, 1948-1951, called Sardar Bahadur Jagat Singh Maharaj, was a college chemistry professor, a disciple of Sawan Singh. ***
3(i) He was born on 20 July 1884. He joined the Punjab Agricultural College, Lyallpur, in 1911 as Assistant Professor of Chemistry and retired as Vice Principal of the institution in 1943 receiving the title Sardar Bahadur for his meritorious service.
3(ii) On 28 December 1910 he was initiated into the Mystic Practice of Surat Shabd Yoga or Nam Bhakti by Baba Sawan Singh. He died on the morning of 23 October 1951.
4. Hazur Mahārāj Charan Singh - Master at Beas, 1951-1990. Maharaj Charan Singh Ji (1916–1990) was a Sant Satguru from India. He was Grandson of Hazur Bābā Sāwan Singh Mahārāj. He is a graduate in law and arts and his intelligence, good looks, and graciousness have since the 1970's brought many foreigners and upper-class Indians into the group.
He became the fifth Satguru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB) in 1951 following the death of Sardar Bahadur Jagat Singh, and served until his death at the age of 73.
4(i) Born on Dec. 12, 1916. Died: June 1, 1990.
4(ii) His Satguru was Baba Sawan Singh Ji.*** His successor and the present Satguru is Baba Gurinder Singh Ji, headquartered at Dera Baba Jaimal Singh, Beas, Punjab, India.
5. Bābā Gurinder Singh Mahārāj - Master at Beas, 1990-present. Nephew of Hazoor Maharaj Charan Singh ji.
5(i) Born: August 1, 1954. He was educated at the Lawrence School, Sanawar, in the Shimla Hills of Himachal Pradesh, considered one of the top schools in India, and obtained his Bachelor's degree in Commerce from Punjab University, Chandigarh.
5(ii) He began his career in the hotel industry and later worked for DCM in the yarn division.
5(iii) He was in Spain working as a salesman before he came back to India to accept his nomination as the next spiritual head of RSSB in 1990.
Beas lineage :
1843-1861 appx. Girdhari Das (possible)**
1861-1878 Swami Ji,
1878-1884 Salig Ram
1884-1903 Jaimal Singh
1903-1907 Sankar Misra
1907-1913 'Buaji' Maheswari Devi
1909-1918 'Babuji' Madhav Sinha(overlap)
1918-1948 Sawan Singh
1948-1951 Jagat Singh
1951-1990 Charan Singh
1990-current Gurinder Singh
End Beas Gurus
Note** Jaimal may have been initiated by Girdhari Das
in 1856 (a Tulsi Sahib disciple), not Swami Ji.
Agra lineage :
1843-1861 Girdhari Das
1861-1878 'Swami Ji' Shiv Dayal Singh
1878-1898 'Hazur' Rai Saligram
1898-1907 Brahm Sankar Misra
1907-1913 'Bauji' Mahewari Devi
1909-1949 'Babuji' Madhav Sinha *
*(overlap woman guru)
End Agra Gurus
Source:- http://www.angelfire.com/band/radhasoamisantmath/radhasoami9
The gist of this topic could be viewed from the website,"http://www.hinduwebsite.com/hinduism/sects/radhasoami.asp" as under:-
Soamiji Maharaj did not name any particular successor. So after his death branched off movement into several directions. In the opinion of some, this worked to its advantage as the movement spread far and wide with the help of many SATSANGS each headed by a separate SATGURU. Some of these SATSANGS were based in Agra and identified as Agra Lineage.
Jaimal Singh, one of the disciples of Soamiji, established a SATSANG in Punjab near the village BEAS which is considered to be the most popular of all the RADHA SOAMI SATSANGS in the world today with a large number of followers. He was succeeded by other GURUS, all SIKHS by birth, who drew heavily from the GURU GRANTH SAHIB, the holy book of SIKHS and imparted to the movement a certain Sikh flavor which perhaps SOAMIJI MAHARAJ would not have approved and which is certainly not appreciated by the orthodox SIKH community who believe that the lineage of true SATGURUS ended some 300 years ago. Maharaj Gurinder Singh Dhilon is the current leader of this SATSANG. He has consolidated the movement in the west by travelling extensively and increased the number of followers in the west. He has also limited the age of initiation to 25.
The movement is not entirely without controversy. There are allegations that the original traditions of the movement have been greatly diluted and that the GURUS lack the merit and wisdom of the earlier masters. Serious doubts have been raised from time to time about the spiritual status of some of the self proclaimed GURUS heading different factions. In some sub sects the initiation ceremony is said to be done mechanically according to an initiation instruction manual by persons other than the GURU himself acting as his proxy and that those who initiate others in to the movement lack the spiritual merit. The DERA at BEAS is also mired in security issues due to threats posed to its GURU, which has created some alienation between the GURU and his SATSANGIS.