1. Share information about the professional’s training in counseling, their training in ethics, and their current job where they confront ethical issues. .
2. How did you deal with them (resolve them)...
3. Discuss ethical issues from the context of ethical principles (fidelity, autonomy, justice, nonmaleficence and beneficence) and any of the ethical codes that was upheld or violated.
4. Have you struggled with ethical choices as it relates to the ACA (american counselor association) and/or the asca (american school counseloring. Association)? What are the greatest developmental counseling needs of students with whom you work?
5. What are the most important services in the school counseling program? Which of those services do you perform with the greatest frequency?
6. What attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, and skills are essential for becoming a proficient school counselor?
7. When are activities such orientation, schedule planning (early registration),
standardized testing, college/career day, in-service training, program evaluation, career/job fairs, etc. planned and conducted?
8. Describe you involvement in community activities.
9. How is your program publicized to students, parents, and to the community?