Hi,i am a Neophyte practitioner of the 6th and 7th Books of moses.My experience is below>>>I fasted for 13 days and on the last day i entered into the laws of Entrance magick circle.I use salt to cast the magick circle,i reprint magick seals from the book and use dove ink to rerun it.I laid the seal of obedience at the center of the circle.I read the pope decleration.I conjure the angel of the day before conjuring spirit phuel to appear before me 6 times with his conjuration and with the command from the key but both of them did not appear.I then close the rituals with the dismisal prayers.I also try conjuring wind with the mysterious words from the semiphoras but i was not successful,despite i was holding semphora #1 and #2 magick seal on my left hand and my wand on the right hand.Why have i not been successful in spirits conjurations and magick expirements?Adepts should please share their successful 6th and 7th Books of moses spirit conjuration techniques.I AM HERE TO LEARN.