String theory
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If there are strings and they contribute to the properties of a stable molecule, the symbiotic 'strings' of any molecule must also be stable. If the string was not stable, he affect on their molecule would also be unstable. If they are stable, they have a frequency. If we could isolate a molecule and measure the frequency of any energy coming from that molecule, injecting that molecule with the resonate frequency should be measurable. If string theory is correct and measuring that resonance is possible, it should be provable by measuring the affect of higher range resonance and it's specific multiplier on the molecules energy measurment. Otherwise, what does it matter what a molecule is made of? It's like asking what's outside of our universe/multiverse. Even if we knew, it wouldn't feed anyone or improve our quality of life here and now, would it?
replied to:  Stylincoyote
Replied to:  If there are strings and they contribute to the properties of...
Maybe yeah but if the strings are in constant motion and there's a possibility tha the estrings are crashing with each other strings constantly and this can generate energy we can measure the energy isssued for they