Crofton Teen Christopher David Jones,was beat to death.On Saturday, May,31,2009,at about 4:00 or 4:30 p.m.,when school bullies were messing with Chris,the gangbangers known as :The New threat,and TNTs'", said they killed Chris cause,he insulted one of the gang members,and they also said they only meant to harm Chris,not kill him,Chris was approached by the teens,and beaten on his bike getting punched over and over again.Whittness say that Chris tried to pedal home unconcious after the beating untill he hit his head on a curb on Nantuckett Drive,or nearby.Chris was rushed to Baltimore Washington Medical Center and was pronounced dead at 7:30 p.m. or so.The teens all went to Arundel Senior High in Gambrills,Md,but Chris had problems with these bullies before at Arundel Senior High and his parents transferred him to South River Senior High,in Edgewater,Md.