After hearing all the problems we are having with our Law Enforcement Officers / Agents and so on. We need to pass a law that all Gov. officials summit too Polygragh testing annually and pass, in order too maintain there employment. We the Civillians are scare more of the Law Enforcement officers than criminals because they can plan items on you and arrest you. Now you are a criminal just because they want to make you one. So that they can keep the System working. I have been a victim of the Justice System since I was 18 years old. I have never commited any crime, but just because anybody can acuse you of doing anything and you will get arrested. Now you have too prove that you are innocent in court. Is not that they have too prove you guilty. The tables turned for the innocent people.
We have Officers / Correction Officers selling Drugs, Cell Phones and other items too the people in jail. But if they get busted they get away with a slap on there hand. We are getting just like all the other Countrie's I thought that America had more comment sence.
We have Officers / Correction Officers selling Drugs, Cell Phones and other items too the people in jail. But if they get busted they get away with a slap on there hand. We are getting just like all the other Countrie's I thought that America had more comment sence.