"they" say that the tax cuts to the wealthy provide jobs. Where are those jobs? Rumania, Libia, China, Japan and a host of other counties. America says what its' prioities are: entertainment and CEOs. All the tax dollars that were given to bail out corporations and the CEOs still got huge bonuses. you know, the same CEOs that broke the company in the first place. Teachers are paid horibly.
It is said that the average income is appx. $47,000.00. One: you don't live well on that amount of money. Two: how large is the standard diviation on the mean. That would tell a story all its' own. Once the middle class disappears who will buy their products.
Appliances: fifty years ago manufacturers knew how to make products that lasted, when did they get stupid? Oh, I know, they thought coercive buying was the way to push the public. Let's make it with a dead date and make it so expensive to fix that consumers have to buy new. It's not America that is the throw away society, it is the maufacturers that created the situation.
Healthcare: How may people in America can afford the care that Gabby got. That rehab in Texas is very expensive. She got that care on tax payers dollars. Representatives from states should have the same healthcare that they give medicare recipients.
Paid lobbiest should be outlawed. They say that they don't give senators or congressional people money. They do, it's just hidden. Do they really think the American people don't know this or is their only concern not getting caught.
It is said that the average income is appx. $47,000.00. One: you don't live well on that amount of money. Two: how large is the standard diviation on the mean. That would tell a story all its' own. Once the middle class disappears who will buy their products.
Appliances: fifty years ago manufacturers knew how to make products that lasted, when did they get stupid? Oh, I know, they thought coercive buying was the way to push the public. Let's make it with a dead date and make it so expensive to fix that consumers have to buy new. It's not America that is the throw away society, it is the maufacturers that created the situation.
Healthcare: How may people in America can afford the care that Gabby got. That rehab in Texas is very expensive. She got that care on tax payers dollars. Representatives from states should have the same healthcare that they give medicare recipients.
Paid lobbiest should be outlawed. They say that they don't give senators or congressional people money. They do, it's just hidden. Do they really think the American people don't know this or is their only concern not getting caught.