What can be done to make things better in Cleveland Co. Many people have thoughts but one of our problems is we have an housing and investment problem in our area. About 1/2 the housing in Cleveland Co is rental and this amount is on the way up. To make this a better place to live we must do things that have a positive effect on or rental property. We must find ways to bring more investment in housing into Cleveland County. It seems our local goverment does not understand this. Law enforcemet must do more to protect property. It is easy to drive around and find many example of empty, vandlized houses. Landlords property is often mess up and Law enforcement often is slow to act to protect this property. One of the key functions for law enforcement in any socity is property protection. This is key to better houseing and a better place to live. When someone messes up a house or buildings in our area law enforcement must act quickly and be effective to put a stop to this. Our local court system must punish people who mess up our town. Do not see what I am talking about... get in your car and drive around our town. This is something that can and must change.