Pinarello Treviso year model?
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I have a Pinarello Treviso purchased on ebay from Canada. It has the Champs from Olympics and Tour De France 1988 on downtube decal. The serial is 1s607. The two chainstays are chrome. The front fork is chrome but may have been upgraded to better Columbus but has the GP etched in the chrome crown. The brakes are Delta pantographed and the entire gruppo is campy record pantographed with mavic wheels and 3ttt bars and stem possibly more upgrades.Original Turbo saddle I think.
Can someone point me to a site or ID the exact year and some backgroubd on the bike. The Treviso decal on the right side of top tupe has pretty much fully flaked off, left side perfect. but water transfer like the real deal. PINARELLO also on bottom bracket next to serial that also has 60sl stamped in BB. Rear brake cable internally routed.
Thanks to anyone!!