This is complete bullshit i don't believe any of this... i don't know how anyone could be fooled into this absurd lies.
replied to: tonypeek
Replied to: This is complete bullshit i don't believe any of this... i...
You may be right but there's only one way you can say that. If I was there to see it I'd ask if you really believe what you're saying and know by your face if you do or not. What are you, some kind of Psuedo-fan?
replied to: Jinglheimer
Replied to: You may be right but there's only one way you can...
The only "bull-shit" I'm afraid is the frequency of the extremely interesting and exciting cases making it to the office of Dr. Eckman where they belong.
replied to: Jinglheimer
Replied to: The only "bull-shit" I'm afraid is the frequency of the extremely...