My name is Ian SPARTICUS HARDY, I am the eldest son of five children to
the best parents you could ever want, I believe in divine guidance and I have been guided to you.My dad who is dead, is asking me to get justice for what happened to him 50 yrs ago,his story has never been told and almost never was as it destroyed him and my younger brother Colin both he and dad are dead,it almost cost me my life as well but after a near death experience I was saved and given another Chance at my life.It was some months later that I understood that I had a mission of sorts but for the life of me I could not see what it was until a few weeks ago I witnessed two double rainbows at my home the second I grabbed my camera and max my dog and walked down to SALT PAN CREEK in the rain as I reached the aqueduct I saw it the rainbow was emanating from the creek it was like being taken back in time the fog that was in my mind till then lifted and suddenly it all became crystal clear ,it was as if my dad's spirit was entering my body with one mission his true story and what happened to him be told,many people have been injured or died from what took place 50 yrs ago in Manchester UK at AEI POWER GROUP,IN A SECRET RESEARCH LABORATORY CALLED S.17,my dad was a lab technician with orders to build a small scale nuclear reactor which he did do,after the reactor was opened prematurely on two occasions fires resulted the second was the most costly and eventually caused the lab to be cordoned off plus much of surrounding area it was dismantled placed into stainless steel drums cast into concrete then dumped into the IRISH sea.this event was never released to the news and was and has been covered up till now,when TWITTER and the internet opened the door to possible telling of story. My dad in spirit is using TWITTER as his white horse and /sparticusian.BlogSpot.com to tell the world his story as he c
the best parents you could ever want, I believe in divine guidance and I have been guided to you.My dad who is dead, is asking me to get justice for what happened to him 50 yrs ago,his story has never been told and almost never was as it destroyed him and my younger brother Colin both he and dad are dead,it almost cost me my life as well but after a near death experience I was saved and given another Chance at my life.It was some months later that I understood that I had a mission of sorts but for the life of me I could not see what it was until a few weeks ago I witnessed two double rainbows at my home the second I grabbed my camera and max my dog and walked down to SALT PAN CREEK in the rain as I reached the aqueduct I saw it the rainbow was emanating from the creek it was like being taken back in time the fog that was in my mind till then lifted and suddenly it all became crystal clear ,it was as if my dad's spirit was entering my body with one mission his true story and what happened to him be told,many people have been injured or died from what took place 50 yrs ago in Manchester UK at AEI POWER GROUP,IN A SECRET RESEARCH LABORATORY CALLED S.17,my dad was a lab technician with orders to build a small scale nuclear reactor which he did do,after the reactor was opened prematurely on two occasions fires resulted the second was the most costly and eventually caused the lab to be cordoned off plus much of surrounding area it was dismantled placed into stainless steel drums cast into concrete then dumped into the IRISH sea.this event was never released to the news and was and has been covered up till now,when TWITTER and the internet opened the door to possible telling of story. My dad in spirit is using TWITTER as his white horse and /sparticusian.BlogSpot.com to tell the world his story as he c