Our 3 yr old cat, Sassie, has multiple eye problems. Last year she had surgery that identified one problem as an infection in her left eye that was causing a collection of dried blood in her eye. Also the lens in both eyes are coming through the pupil. She also has high pressure in both eyes that is controlled by medication. We give her drops 3 x day that include Dorzolomide, Travatan, Timolol and Prednisone. She she's an opthomology specialist. Two days ago we noticed that she has an area on the cornea that looks like a bubble and covers 1/3 of her eye. We took her to an emergency Vet hosopital and were told that she has a stress ulcer. The treatment ordered is an antibiotic by mouth and an antibiotic ointment. The prednisone was discontinued for now.Our specialist is out of town and there is no other opthomolist available in our area or close areas. Sassie seems to be in pain even while taking an oral pain liquid. Is there anything we can do until our opthomology specialist returns from his vacation. We were told a month ago that she also has a herpes virus that affected her eye. She has begun to sneeze again today as she was last month when the herpes affected her eye. The Vet thinks she contratcted it from the mother at birth. I guess we are just at a loss of what to do for her.
Thank you for your time
Thank you for your time