Does the moon orbit the sun, or the earth ? The hubble, an independent observor states the moon orbits the sun, but is influenced by the earth as follows, every 27 or 28 days the moons cycle is that it trys to escape the earths gravational (whatever) influence by going about 6% faster ahead of the earths 79,000 miles per hour in its orbit around the sun, first it goes ahead of the earth, then the earth pulls it back and it lags behind the earth traveling about 6 % slower, only to repeat the cycle, over and over, until the variables change, or new variables are introduced, during its simple cycle it rotates 360 degrees, It takes around 9 years to complete its complex cycle, or come to the same place it was in relationship to the earth. To further complicate the issue, the earth rotates every 24 hours and is tilted around 30 degrees off axis of alignment with the sun, the moon a merely 1 1/2 degree thusly creating the idea that the moon never rotates because approximately the same side is mostly facing the earth. As a child in school 50+ years ago I was taught the moon orbited the earth and never rotated, like the moons of jupiter saturn and venus or wherever. even then there are moons that do not follow the theoretical laws of gravity. The moon is the 5th largest planet in our solar system and the planetary reality is more likely, that we are a two planet system, or am I missing something someone may enlighten me about---while I am complaining about what I was taught, like the einsteinian theory on time travel, when he used the french guy " Lorentz " formula which stated if you can travel faster than the speed of light then time travel is possible, because the little particles of light are moving at around 250,000 miles per second, and its makes practical sense, if you can go faster then you can beat time, according to einstein, Lorentz tossed the formula.> There were two men, one left the earth traveling at 1,000,000 miles per second, went 60,000,000 miles into outer space, turned and immediately returned to earth, arriving back on earth perhaps 60 seconds before the photons coming from the sun would have arrived if he had never left, going forward into time, or backward depending on which leg of his trip you regarded, according to the einstein/lorentz/plaugarism. The other guy was sitting on the moon with a stopwatch in his hand. He started the watch when the guy left the earth traveling almost 4 times the theoretical speed of light, He stopped the stopwatch when the guy arrived back on earth. The stopwatch reveals 120 seconds passed, that the man traveling 4 times the speed of light did not advance or go back in time. The independent observor says einstein/lorentz/plaugarism is an untruth. Is it because the relationship between the 2 variables, speed of light, a theoretical unit of measure , and time, having different meanings depending upon the context, are not properly expressed, or that both are simply words and that language itself is unable to describe reality, and that math is simply the number 1, the 0 was added later. And that math taught as a degree may be better expressed as a study of presumed units of measure. Am I too senile to get the gist of einstein/lorentz idea of time travel, or is there a predisposing influence involved here, verging on the field of legality, in venturing into such a discussion