Golf ball
Non uniform dimple pattern golf balls allow issue of U.S.Patent # 5.571.054
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Due to the fact that some golf ball surfaces are non uniform.

The only golf tee that can hold them up correctly with random placement of the tee and allow perimeter points of contact and a forward lean of up to 17 degrees depending on dimple patterns is the Mirror Tee.

Expansion of the golf ball at full impact sends the tee 1/4 of an inch in the ground at 17 degrees bringing the forward leading edge of the tee behind center of the ball upon the moment of forward movement of the golf ball.

Showing the best zero friction results can only be achieved by leaning the tee.

The traditional wide band ball seated tees allow non uniform points of contact therefore unstable.

The Mirror Tee performs as well with uniform dimple patterns. will prove this and show a new overlooked golf technique based on this new golf tee design that conforms to the rules of golf.

Simple but true to the word.

Please review and advise,

