Surely some one has something worthy of discussion.
Let me be the first.
I am interested in finding out others opinions concerning an
issue relevent to those living in the North end of Springfield,Il.
-The constant ringing of church bells without any consideration of the local resident.
Saint Josephs Catholic church north 6th. st. Springfield,Il.
has adopted this summer a policy of ringing thier church chimes seven days a week every hour on the hour for twenty minute interlude from 8:00 AM thru-5:00 pm without any concern or respect for the local residents including the
sick in the Sara Center next door to the church or the ederly
that are being deprived of thier sleep which creats not only a noise pollution problem but a health hazard as well.
I can understand the use of church bells on Sunday but thier policy is disturbing to the neigherhood and a poor example
of christian practice without any concern about the peoples rights of freedom from being subjugated by thier Church policy.
Let me be the first.
I am interested in finding out others opinions concerning an
issue relevent to those living in the North end of Springfield,Il.
-The constant ringing of church bells without any consideration of the local resident.
Saint Josephs Catholic church north 6th. st. Springfield,Il.
has adopted this summer a policy of ringing thier church chimes seven days a week every hour on the hour for twenty minute interlude from 8:00 AM thru-5:00 pm without any concern or respect for the local residents including the
sick in the Sara Center next door to the church or the ederly
that are being deprived of thier sleep which creats not only a noise pollution problem but a health hazard as well.
I can understand the use of church bells on Sunday but thier policy is disturbing to the neigherhood and a poor example
of christian practice without any concern about the peoples rights of freedom from being subjugated by thier Church policy.