Was at nha trang afb jan 67 to sep 69.Was in the 14 fms age shop.Was real good duty.Sep 69 got shipped to phu cat left the base 1970.Got back to nha trang in the 15 / 90 sos and the c-123k blackbirds.Supported 5 th special forces.The mc-130 aircraft supported 5 th special forces.
replied to: cmsgt62
Replied to: Was at nha trang afb jan 67 to sep 69.Was in...
Trained with special forces, and army av outfits UH1Bs
gun ships, 504 Mps. Security for Grey Gost, Duck Hook. Down town combat with VC Cowboys. 6 man combat team D/H to Phanrang Vn. October 1965. A whole nuther, Story. AF All The Way. Air Police. Jim Seales, jims999@msn.com 409-338-1853.
Proud To Be A Cop
Jim Seales