Let me start by explain some simple concepts. First off we will deal with space-time. So what is space/time? Is it as Einstein believe, that space/time is an interdependent, interconnected fabric of reality. Where as an object is described by the space it occupies, the time it existed in and the energy(mass, spin, charge) that i has. To most physicist these are the defining characteristics of any object. Now that we have established the requirements for an object, lets distill it to its simples form and examine what possibilities are out there.
Two proton atom sitting in a void, this void well be located at the edge of the universe, and is affected by no gravitational forces. How is space-energy and time affecting it? the protons even though they are sitting in a void, but in order for them to exist they must occupy space. So it can be said that space is necessary for the existence of the matter but it is created by matter when energy folds into a particle capable of physical interactions. therefore space can be thought of as your field of vision. Nothing exists beyond your field of vision, to you, but as u advance forward, it expands and things fill as needed and disappears when it isn't needed. In terms of atoms; the space of a Hydrogen atom is smaller then the space of a carbon atom because, carbon being more massive is intrinsically more energetic therefore it has more possibilities of action requiring it’s space to be larger to accommodate these increases is ranges of motion.
If space is define as a bubble of possibilities, then energy should be define as physical dimensions. energy i.e. matter occupies space and space gives matter all it’s possible actions(Hilber space - A Hilbert space H is a real or complex inner product space that is also a complete metric space with respect to the distance function induced by the inner product). Energy is the base building block of all things and exist as a dimensionless, formless thing. How ever energy forms matter and forces when it creates a Hilbert space by folding it and giving itself dimensions of interactions.
And now we get down to time......... how does the protons interact with time? If we go with the general assumption that time is the basic unit of movement (i.e. seconds and caesium decay-aka atomic clock). If we stop moving does that mean that we stop time? If we can prevent a caesium atom from decaying can it be said that we have stopped its time progression? If we take the same atom and speed up its decay by means of subtracting energy from it, does that not mean we speed up its time? in the conscious mind maybe but in the physical world the atom has only lost energy not time. Therefore time only exists as a human concept to represent movement but time itself as a scientific property shouldn’t not exist.
However, when we prescribe to this concept, we’re forced to deal with the paradox of velocity without time. How can acceleration, and different speed exist with out time to distinguished them. Worst yet is how do you even begin to describe something like velocity with out time. the solution to this paradox is energy. When we talk about acceleration we talk about space over time, but why not energy over space? Car 1 with +1 energy going for 1 mile will reach the destination faster then a car going at +0 energy. And if we follow this course of thought to it’s logical end we can conclude that time like matter is just another form of energy. Whereas in the form of matter energy becomes touchable objects. Energy in the form of time, is movement over space.
Now that we have established the characteristics and properties of these protons we can play with them.
First we will play with space. What is happening to the protons as they are sitting in this void? First off, how is the proton affecting the space it is sitting on? If you prescribe to general relativity then your answer would be simple. The proton is exerting a gravitational field that is bending the space around it, but what if instead of bending that space the proton is condensing it. what if gravity was folding the space into the proton, compressing it?
Lets take another look at the Caesium atomic clock. It is what is used around the world to measure the passing of time, but there is also another one in the international space station. it is interesting to note that there is a difference in time between the Caesium clock on the International Space Station and the ones on Earth. Scientists attribute this to the gravitational effects of matter on time. But time does not exist, this mean that either gravity is slowing down energy(movement) or space is being manipulated. Lets look at the examples before us. What does gravity like to do to objects? It loves to squeeze as much of it as it can. So lets say that matter instead of bending space around it, pulled spaced into it. And if the space in between the atoms increased that would mean an electron traveling at a constant speed will take longer to leave the atom. In order for this conclusion to be valid though we must first make another assumption about gravitation effects on space. This Assumption is that when a gravitation field is created it compresses the space, but since space is necessary for matter a void therefore can not exist as long as matter exist. So in order for the void to be prevented space is then iether created or stretched to fill the emptiness. When space is stretched, the matter within it is give the ability to expand with it, because we are only stretching space not proving the particle with more energy. Therefore since the possibilities remain the same but yet the allowable area of possibilities increase, perceived matter should expand. The opposite effect happens however when you approach a gravitational field. a proven and observable effect in everyday life. All you have to do is take a closer look at the difference between your legs and your head. They should be the same, but in reality the atoms in your head are larger then the atoms in your feet. I equate this spacial effect to placing a rubber sheet of paper on the table, pinning the edges down and pinching it in the middle . you have stretched out the rubber and reallocated its mass but its still the same shape. By pinching it in the middle you are compressing the rubber sheet’s space but at the same time you have created more space, but kept the same shape or location. In this example you can begin to see a disconnect between space and location.
So what will Happen when u shoot 2 protons from on end to the other, wherein 1 travels unabated while the other travels through a gravitational field. The outcome would be that the one which didnt go through the field travel the same distance but less space therefore arriving at the destination sooner. This scenario introduces the idea that the velocity of light can always be changed by making it go through more space, how ever the energy over space of light is a constant. In cosmology this effect is called microlensing.
Now what if we took one of the protons, supercharged it and shot it out of a cannon? Would it, could it surpass lightspeed and what happens when something travels that fast? General Relativity said that as things go faster they get heavier. Making light speed the fastest anything can travel before it will collapse in on itself. But why does this occur? If we follow the logical conclusion, that when objects travel they require energy, and since energy is the same as mass we can therefore say that for something to have enough energy to travel faster then light speed, it is massive enough to travel pass lightspeed. Since we have not see anything that has traveled pass light speed it is presumed that when something is energetic enough to travel past light speed it is also presumed too massive to survive.
Now we come to the all important questions. What is gravity and why is it being such a downer? the widely held assumption is that gravity is a force and being a force there is a particle out there somewhere which carries the property of being a drag. It is this particle’s interaction with matter that gives us gravity. Yet for years we are still unable to detect any particles of gravity or gravitons. What if there is none? What if instead of being a force of nature it was a feature of the universe, so think instead of being like electromagnetism, its more a kin to the spectrum of light. In that as a light moves closer and further away u notice differences in color. With gravity, the more the matter, the more it folds and compress space.
So if there is no graviton then how does matter fold space? Given that space is a necessity for matter, but cant it be contingent on matter too? Meaning that space is a creation of matter when matter is created and if energy and matter are different forms then cant it be said too that space is contingent on energy. So lets hypothetically create an H atom. At the moment it was create, space was also created for it to occupy. Now that we have an H atom with its own H space, what would happen if i moved the atom? Will H atom now occupy J space or is H atom attached to H space and when u move H atom to a different location it does not change the space that the atom occupies but rather the relative location of H space to all other Spaces. Though as H space moves to more crowded locations it has to compete for space so it can be as close to H atom as possible. This leads to the shrinking of space, but what of the attraction of matter?
The attraction of matter occurs because of the difference in pressure and size of space around the object. When we jump up in the air our head is in a location with bigger spaces therefore less presser and your feet is in a smaller space with more pressure. were are literally squeezed down to the ground. Think expansion at the top and compression at the bottom. creating motion towards the center of compression.
Based upon these conditions of reality i would like to now redefine reality. Reality is a possibility cloud of energy/space, Energy being the catalyse for action space being the bubble in which matter can act.
Two proton atom sitting in a void, this void well be located at the edge of the universe, and is affected by no gravitational forces. How is space-energy and time affecting it? the protons even though they are sitting in a void, but in order for them to exist they must occupy space. So it can be said that space is necessary for the existence of the matter but it is created by matter when energy folds into a particle capable of physical interactions. therefore space can be thought of as your field of vision. Nothing exists beyond your field of vision, to you, but as u advance forward, it expands and things fill as needed and disappears when it isn't needed. In terms of atoms; the space of a Hydrogen atom is smaller then the space of a carbon atom because, carbon being more massive is intrinsically more energetic therefore it has more possibilities of action requiring it’s space to be larger to accommodate these increases is ranges of motion.
If space is define as a bubble of possibilities, then energy should be define as physical dimensions. energy i.e. matter occupies space and space gives matter all it’s possible actions(Hilber space - A Hilbert space H is a real or complex inner product space that is also a complete metric space with respect to the distance function induced by the inner product). Energy is the base building block of all things and exist as a dimensionless, formless thing. How ever energy forms matter and forces when it creates a Hilbert space by folding it and giving itself dimensions of interactions.
And now we get down to time......... how does the protons interact with time? If we go with the general assumption that time is the basic unit of movement (i.e. seconds and caesium decay-aka atomic clock). If we stop moving does that mean that we stop time? If we can prevent a caesium atom from decaying can it be said that we have stopped its time progression? If we take the same atom and speed up its decay by means of subtracting energy from it, does that not mean we speed up its time? in the conscious mind maybe but in the physical world the atom has only lost energy not time. Therefore time only exists as a human concept to represent movement but time itself as a scientific property shouldn’t not exist.
However, when we prescribe to this concept, we’re forced to deal with the paradox of velocity without time. How can acceleration, and different speed exist with out time to distinguished them. Worst yet is how do you even begin to describe something like velocity with out time. the solution to this paradox is energy. When we talk about acceleration we talk about space over time, but why not energy over space? Car 1 with +1 energy going for 1 mile will reach the destination faster then a car going at +0 energy. And if we follow this course of thought to it’s logical end we can conclude that time like matter is just another form of energy. Whereas in the form of matter energy becomes touchable objects. Energy in the form of time, is movement over space.
Now that we have established the characteristics and properties of these protons we can play with them.
First we will play with space. What is happening to the protons as they are sitting in this void? First off, how is the proton affecting the space it is sitting on? If you prescribe to general relativity then your answer would be simple. The proton is exerting a gravitational field that is bending the space around it, but what if instead of bending that space the proton is condensing it. what if gravity was folding the space into the proton, compressing it?
Lets take another look at the Caesium atomic clock. It is what is used around the world to measure the passing of time, but there is also another one in the international space station. it is interesting to note that there is a difference in time between the Caesium clock on the International Space Station and the ones on Earth. Scientists attribute this to the gravitational effects of matter on time. But time does not exist, this mean that either gravity is slowing down energy(movement) or space is being manipulated. Lets look at the examples before us. What does gravity like to do to objects? It loves to squeeze as much of it as it can. So lets say that matter instead of bending space around it, pulled spaced into it. And if the space in between the atoms increased that would mean an electron traveling at a constant speed will take longer to leave the atom. In order for this conclusion to be valid though we must first make another assumption about gravitation effects on space. This Assumption is that when a gravitation field is created it compresses the space, but since space is necessary for matter a void therefore can not exist as long as matter exist. So in order for the void to be prevented space is then iether created or stretched to fill the emptiness. When space is stretched, the matter within it is give the ability to expand with it, because we are only stretching space not proving the particle with more energy. Therefore since the possibilities remain the same but yet the allowable area of possibilities increase, perceived matter should expand. The opposite effect happens however when you approach a gravitational field. a proven and observable effect in everyday life. All you have to do is take a closer look at the difference between your legs and your head. They should be the same, but in reality the atoms in your head are larger then the atoms in your feet. I equate this spacial effect to placing a rubber sheet of paper on the table, pinning the edges down and pinching it in the middle . you have stretched out the rubber and reallocated its mass but its still the same shape. By pinching it in the middle you are compressing the rubber sheet’s space but at the same time you have created more space, but kept the same shape or location. In this example you can begin to see a disconnect between space and location.
So what will Happen when u shoot 2 protons from on end to the other, wherein 1 travels unabated while the other travels through a gravitational field. The outcome would be that the one which didnt go through the field travel the same distance but less space therefore arriving at the destination sooner. This scenario introduces the idea that the velocity of light can always be changed by making it go through more space, how ever the energy over space of light is a constant. In cosmology this effect is called microlensing.
Now what if we took one of the protons, supercharged it and shot it out of a cannon? Would it, could it surpass lightspeed and what happens when something travels that fast? General Relativity said that as things go faster they get heavier. Making light speed the fastest anything can travel before it will collapse in on itself. But why does this occur? If we follow the logical conclusion, that when objects travel they require energy, and since energy is the same as mass we can therefore say that for something to have enough energy to travel faster then light speed, it is massive enough to travel pass lightspeed. Since we have not see anything that has traveled pass light speed it is presumed that when something is energetic enough to travel past light speed it is also presumed too massive to survive.
Now we come to the all important questions. What is gravity and why is it being such a downer? the widely held assumption is that gravity is a force and being a force there is a particle out there somewhere which carries the property of being a drag. It is this particle’s interaction with matter that gives us gravity. Yet for years we are still unable to detect any particles of gravity or gravitons. What if there is none? What if instead of being a force of nature it was a feature of the universe, so think instead of being like electromagnetism, its more a kin to the spectrum of light. In that as a light moves closer and further away u notice differences in color. With gravity, the more the matter, the more it folds and compress space.
So if there is no graviton then how does matter fold space? Given that space is a necessity for matter, but cant it be contingent on matter too? Meaning that space is a creation of matter when matter is created and if energy and matter are different forms then cant it be said too that space is contingent on energy. So lets hypothetically create an H atom. At the moment it was create, space was also created for it to occupy. Now that we have an H atom with its own H space, what would happen if i moved the atom? Will H atom now occupy J space or is H atom attached to H space and when u move H atom to a different location it does not change the space that the atom occupies but rather the relative location of H space to all other Spaces. Though as H space moves to more crowded locations it has to compete for space so it can be as close to H atom as possible. This leads to the shrinking of space, but what of the attraction of matter?
The attraction of matter occurs because of the difference in pressure and size of space around the object. When we jump up in the air our head is in a location with bigger spaces therefore less presser and your feet is in a smaller space with more pressure. were are literally squeezed down to the ground. Think expansion at the top and compression at the bottom. creating motion towards the center of compression.
Based upon these conditions of reality i would like to now redefine reality. Reality is a possibility cloud of energy/space, Energy being the catalyse for action space being the bubble in which matter can act.